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Connie Francis康妮法蘭西絲








全名:Concetta Rosemarie Franconero






在六○年代前半期,全世界的女歌星沒有一個人的風頭比得上康妮法蘭西斯,她的名曲「Everybody'sSomeday's Fool」、「Where the Boys Are」當時風行全球,她的曲風也對後輩的女歌手造成相當的影響。




Everybody's Somebody's Fool







 Tonight's My Night





被康妮相中擔任女主角的葛洛莉雅伊斯特芬出生於古巴,她和康妮同樣屬於身材嬌小的女歌手,外型也有幾分相似。她在一九八○年代由於擔任「Miami SoundMachine」的主唱而逐漸走紅,曾經有多首作品登上排行榜。









lipstick on your collar





1.  When the Boys Meet the Girls (1965)


2.  Looking for Love (1964)


3.  Follow the Boys (1963)


4.  Where the Boys Are (1960)


5.  Jamboree (1957) (singing voice)... aka Disc Jockey Jamboree (UK)




也出過不下六十張的專輯, 張張精彩值得收藏.






Send Me The Pillow














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This is one of my favorite songs; it brings back the memories in Fu-Jen. 

Time swifts so fast, at the end of the February, I will end my editing for this month. 

Wish you all have very nice pleasant Spring! 

Beautiful Lyric as follows: 

When your down and troubled
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, whoa nothing is going right.
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest nights.
You just call out my name,
And you know whereever I am
I'll come running, oh yeah baby
To see you again.

Winter, spring , summer, or fall,
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You've got a freind.
If the sky above you
Should turn dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind should begin to blow
Keep your head together and call my name out loud
And soon I will be knocking upon your door.
You just call out my name and you know where ever I am
I'll come running to see you again.

Winter, Spring, summer or fall
All you got to do is call
And I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hey, ain't it good to know that you've got a friend?
People can be so cold.
They'll hurt you and desert you.
Well they'll take your soul if you let them.
Oh yeah, but don't you let them.
You just call out my name and you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again.

Oh babe, don't you know that,
Winter Spring summer or fall,
Hey now, all you've got to do is call.
Lord, I'll be there, yes I will.
You've got a friend.
You've got a friend.
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.
Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.
You've got a friend.

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Happy Valentine - by Kina Grannis Already 5.5 million people view this song in You tube. This is a cute one

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Happy Valentine!

This is classic, it is good for LKK. 

Try to remember the most wonderful Valentine you have in your life!

This is another version: 

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           聖誕節到了,來!來!來! 大家放輕鬆


                    來欣賞 "台語板聖誕歌"




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Sunshine In The Rain


主唱: BWO 空殼樂團

( Bodies Without Organs )






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This song is one of my favorite songs, at the end of month under my editing. 

There nothing worth to mention, however I sincerely hope you have great time always. 

The original poem as: 

Footprints in the Sand - Poem

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?”

The Lord replied,
“The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you.”

-Mary Stevenson)


This is another version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvizQnQN-vg&feature=related

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The Graduate is a 1967 American comedy-drama film directed by Mike Nichols, based on the 1963 novel The Graduate by Charles Webb, who wrote it shortly after graduating from Williams College.

The screenplay was by Calder Willingham and Buck Henry, who makes a cameo appearance as the hotel clerk. The film tells the story of Benjamin Braddock (played by Dustin Hoffman), a recent university graduate with no well-defined aim in life, who is seduced by an older woman, Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), and then proceeds to fall in love with her daughter Elaine (Katharine Ross).

In 1996, The Graduate was selected for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". It ranked as the seventh greatest film of all time on AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movies.

Adjusted for inflation, the film is #19 on the list of highest-grossing films in the United States and Canada.

Embassy Pictures distributed in North America, while United Artists handled the initial international release.

Mrs. Robinson was one of the most popular song in the world. 

Simon & Garfunkel were the original singers. 


The last scene was so dramatic as follows: 

Refer to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9eIXN6Sp40&feature=related

For detail information refer to: 




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Harry Belafonte is perhaps best known for singing the "Banana Boat Song", with its signature lyric "Day-O." Throughout his career. 
refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Belafonte


Harry Belafonte was the first black man to win an Emmy, with his first solo TV special Tonight with Belafonte (1959). During the 1960s he appeared in a number of TV specials, alongside such artists as Julie Andrews, Petula Clark, Lena Horne, and Nana Mouskouri.

He was also a guest star on a memorable episode of The Muppet Show in 1978, in which he sang his signature song "Day-O" on television for the very first time. However, the episode is best known for Belafonte singing the spiritual song, "Turn the World Around," that is performed with Muppets designed like African tribal masks. It has become one of the most famous performances in the series.

 It was reported to be Jim Henson's favorite episode, and Belafonte did a reprise of the song at Henson's memorial in 1990. "Turn the World Around" was also included in the 2005 official hymnal supplement of the Unitarian Universalist Association, "Singing the Journey."


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台灣歌謠索引 @ 經典演歌 :




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  Belafonte (center) at the 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C with Sidney Poitier (left) and Charlton Heston.


Harold George "Harry" Belafonte, Jr. (originally Belafonete; born March 1, 1927) is an American musician, singer actor and social activist. One of the most successful pop singers in history, he was dubbed the "King of Calypso," a title which he was very reluctant to accept (according to the documentary Calypso Dreams) for popularizing the Caribbean musical style with an international audience in the 1950s. Belafonte is perhaps best known for singing the "Banana Boat Song", with its signature lyric "Day-O." Throughout his career, he has been an advocate for civil rights and humanitarian causes, and was a vocal critic of the policies of the George W. Bush Administration. 



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納京高  Nat King Cole ()

  在Nat King Cole短短的47年的歲月裏, 他以飽滿渾厚溫柔的嗓音, 詮釋了多首家喻戶曉的爵士流行樂曲, 至今仍讓人拿出傳唱, 一聽再聽怎也不閒膩. 在心情沉澱之時, 一曲Nat King Cole的樂曲, 無限的溫暖伴隨著您久久不散~~~~



Pretend (1953年曲)

Pretend you're happy when you're blue
It isn't very hard to do
And you'll find happiness without an end
Whenever you pretend

Remember anyone can dream
And nothing's bad as it may seem
The little things you haven't got
Could be a lot if you pretend

You'll find a love you can share
One you can call all your own
Just close your eyes, she'll be there
You'll never be alone

And if you sing this melody
You'll be pretending just like me
The world is mine, it can be yours, my friend
So why don't you pretend?

And if you sing this melody
You'll be pretending just like me
The world is mine, it can be yours, my friend
So why don't you pretend?


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納京高  Nat King Cole


記得前幾年的葛萊美獎頒獎時有一位藝人–納塔莉高運用科技的力量和她已過世的父親合唱「Unforgettable」,唱得是感人肺腑,除了旋律美得沒說之外,還透露出她對亡父的思念,她的父親就是相當有名的 Nat King Cole!他的聲音聽起來相當的溫暖,有種似曾相識的感覺…總覺得日常生活中一定有許多的機會能接觸到他的聲音!像他唱的「When I Fall in Love」後來也被許多的人翻唱,還是電影「西雅圖夜未眠」的主題曲!這張專輯的其他曲子也相當的讚呢!







猶記1991年,Nat King Cole的愛女Natalie Cole以電腦科技達成與在天之父合唱的心願,非但造就Natalie Cole熱潮,更藉由Unforgettable以及When I Fall In love兩首名曲,使年經歌迷見識到Nat King Cole的魅力,資深樂迷得以重溫當年的風靡盛況。


Nat King Cole1917年出生於蒙哥馬利,而成長於芝加哥。12歲便於教堂彈奏鋼琴並演唱, 1963年開始與人合作,組成自己大受歡迎的爵士三重奏。亦成為日後諸如Art TatumOscar Peterson等三重奏的學習範本,影響甚遠。40年代中期,Nat King Cole在卓越鋼琴技巧之外 拓展歌唱事業,絲絨般溫暖厚實的嗓音,迅速虜獲聽眾的心,中慢版抒情的曲調叫人難以抗拒沈醉其中。50年初,一首Mona Lisa奪下冠軍,改變Nat King Cole的一生,從此他的名聲 遠播,跨界至流行樂領域,也奠定他偉大爵士樂歌手身份。除了歌唱事業以外,Nat King Cole 更擁有個人電視節目St. Louis Blue,對當時仍嫌保守的美國人而言,在節目找不到贊助廠商的情況下,Nat King Cole的表現是黑人族的第一人,其音樂成就無庸置疑,時代意義更是永垂不朽。

    鮮有人能同時揚名於兩個領域,Nat King Cole一首首稱霸流行榜的浪漫情歌並未使 Nat King Cole忘懷自專的爵士根基。雖然Nat King Cole已於1965年因肺癌過世, 享年只47歲,然而其身後追封的終身成就獎及企鵝爵士指南的推崇,還有至今早已逾5000萬張的唱片銷售成績,再次證明了他對當代美國文化的貢獻。在這張2000最新發行的精選輯中,收錄了When I fall In loveMona LisaUnforgettable Autumn LeavesLet There Be LoveThe Christmas Song22Nat King Cole 1950年至1962年間大家耳熟能詳的作品,可說是將他璀璨的歌唱生涯,作了一個最佳的回顧。深長的情感,令人對這位樂壇的傳奇永誌難忘。

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前幾天, 俄國發生兩起地鐵爆炸, 又有38 人死亡. 

U2 這首歌正能代表那無助的受害者的心情. 

台灣在長期籃綠玫爭,感謝上蒼的恩賜, 我們沒有暴力流血. 

U2 是愛爾蘭樂團, 對於北受爾蘭IRA的暴力反抗非常不滿, 


欣賞這首歌之餘, 我們更應該凡事以理性, 以冷靜但又不失格調及尊嚴來處理內外的壓迫.

經過三月的春寒, 轉眼四月己來臨, 我終於可以休筆, 祝福老友平安. 

四月我記得齊美眉, 孔阿慧生日, 祝諸位玉婆, 青舂永駐, 壽比南山.


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Mother Teresa (26 August 1910 – 5 September 1997), born Agnesë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu , was an Albanian Catholic nun with Indian citizenship who founded the Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata (Calcutta), India in 1950.

For over 45 years she ministered to the poor, sick, orphaned, and dying, while guiding the Missionaries of Charity's expansion, first throughout India and then in other countries. Following her death she was beatified by Pope John Paul II and given the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta.

In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize,

"for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitutes a threat to peace."

She refused the conventional ceremonial banquet given to laureates, and asked that the $192,000 funds be given to the poor in India, stating that earthly rewards were important only if they helped her help the world's needy.

When Mother Teresa received the prize, she was asked,

"What can we do to promote world peace?"

She answered

"Go home and love your family." 

Building on this theme in her Nobel Lecture,

she said:

"Around the world, not only in the poor countries, but I found the poverty of the West so much more difficult to remove. When I pick up a person from the street, hungry, I give him a plate of rice, a piece of bread, I have satisfied.I have removed that hunger. But a person that is shut out, that feels unwanted, unloved, terrified, the person that has been thrown out from society—that poverty is so hurtable  and so much, and I find that very difficult."

She also singled out abortion as 'the greatest destroyer of peace in the world'.


U2 are a rock band from Dublin, Ireland. The group consists of Bono (vocals and guitar), The Edge (guitar, keyboards, and vocals), Adam Clayton (bass guitar), and Larry Mullen, Jr. (drums and percussion).

U2 have released 12 studio albums and are among the most critically and commercially successful groups in popular music.

They have won 22 Grammy Awards, more than any other band, and they have sold more than 145 million records.

In 2005, the band were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in their first year of eligibility.

Rolling Stone magazine listed U2 at #22 in its list of the 100 greatest artists of all time.

Throughout their career, as a band and as individuals, they have campaigned for human rights and philanthropic causes, including Amnesty International, the ONE Campaign, Product Red, and Bono's DATA campaign.

Grace, she takes the blame
She covers the shame
Removes the stain
It could be her name

It's a name for a girl
It's also a thought that, changed the world
And when she walks on the street
You can hear the strings
Grace finds goodness in everything

Grace, she's got the walk
Not on a ramp or on chalk
She's got the time to talk
She travels outside of karma, karma
She travels outside... of karma

When she goes to work, you can hear the strings
Grace finds beauty in everything

She carries a world on her hips
No champagne flute for her lips
No twirls or skips between her fingertips
She carries a pearl in perfect condition

What once was hurt
What once was friction
What left a mark
No longer stings...
Because Grace makes beauty
Out of ugly things

Grace finds beauty in everything

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蝴蝶夫人是一個感人的故事, Puccini 改編為歌劇, 成為其最成功的作品: 

Madama Butterfly (Madame Butterfly) is an opera in three acts (originally two acts) by Giacomo Puccini, with an Italian libretto by Luigi Illica and Giuseppe Giacosa. Puccini based his opera in part on the short story "Madame Butterfly" (1898) by John Luther Long, which was dramatized by David Belasco. Puccini also based it on the novel Madame Chrysanthème (1887) by Pierre Loti. According to one scholar, the opera was based on events that actually occurred in Nagasaki in the early 1890s.

The original version of the opera, in two acts, had its premiere on February 17, 1904, at La Scala in Milan. It was very poorly received despite the presence of such notable singers as soprano Rosina Storchio, tenor Giovanni Zenatello and baritone Giuseppe De Luca in the lead roles. This was due in large part to the late completion and inadequate time for rehearsals. Puccini revised the opera, splitting the second act into two acts and making other changes.

On May 28, 1904, this version was performed in Brescia and was a huge success.

The opera is set in the city of Nagasaki. Japan's best-known opera singer Tamaki Miura won international fame for her performances as Cio-Cio San; her statue, along with that of Puccini, can be found in Nagasaki's Glover Garden.

Butterfly is a staple of the standard operatic repertoire for companies around the world and it is the most-performed opera in the United States, where it ranks as Number 1 in Opera America's list of the 20 most-performed operas in North America.

二十世紀最受歡迎的女高音, 她是前希臘船王歐納希斯的女友. 

Maria Callas (Greek: Μαρία Κάλλας) (December 2, 1923 – September 16, 1977) was an American-born Greek soprano and one of the most renowned opera singers of the 20th century.

She combined an impressive bel canto technique, a wide-ranging voice, and great dramatic gifts.

An extremely versatile singer, her repertoire ranged from classical opera seria to the bel canto operas of Donizetti, Bellini and Rossini; further, to the works of Verdi and Puccini; and, in her early career, to the music dramas of Wagner.

Her remarkable musical and dramatic talents led to her being hailed as La Divina.

This is Maira Callas' version of " A wonderful day" 


Un bel dì, vedremo
levarsi un fil di fumo
sull'estremo confin del mare.
E poi la nave appare.
Poi la nave bianca
entra nel porto,
romba il suo saluto.

Vedi? È venuto!
Io non gli scendo incontro. Io no.
Mi metto là sul ciglio del colle e aspetto,
e aspetto gran tempo
e non mi pesa,
la lunga attesa.

E uscito dalla folla cittadina,
un uomo, un picciol punto
s'avvia per la collina.
Chi sarà? chi sarà?
E come sarà giunto
che dirà? che dirà?
Chiamerà Butterfly dalla lontana.
Io senza dar risposta
me ne starò nascosta
un po' per celia
e un po' per non morire
al primo incontro;
ed egli alquanto in pena
chiamerà, chiamerà:
"Piccina mogliettina,
olezzo di verbena"
i nomi che mi dava al suo venire.
(a Suzuki)
Tutto questo avverrà,
te lo prometto.
Tienti la tua paura,
io con sicura fede l'aspetto.

English Translation of "Un bel di, vedremo"

One good day, we will see
Arising a strand of smoke
Over the far horizon on the sea
And then the ship appears
And then the ship is white
It enters into the port, it rumbles its salute.

Do you see it? He is coming!
I don't go down to meet him, not I.
I stay upon the edge of the hill
And I wait a long time
but I do not grow weary of the long wait.

And leaving from the crowded city,
A man, a little speck
Climbing the hill.
Who is it? Who is it?
And as he arrives
What will he say? What will he say?
He will call Butterfly from the distance
I without answering
Stay hidden
A little to tease him,
A little as to not die.
At the first meeting,
And then a little troubled
He will call, he will call
"Little one, dear wife
Blossom of orange"
The names he called me at his last coming.
All this will happen,
I promise you this
Hold back your fears -
I with secure faith wait for him.

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Strawberry Field was the name of a Salvation Army Children's Home just around the corner from Lennon's childhood home in Woolton, a suburb of Liverpool.

Lennon and his childhood friends Pete Shotton, Nigel Whalley, and Ivan Vaughan used to play in the wooded garden behind the home.

One of Lennon's childhood treats was the garden party held each summer in Calderstones Park (located next to the Salvation Army Home) every year, where a Salvation Army band played.

Lennon's aunt Mimi Smith recalled: "As soon as we could hear the Salvation Army band starting, John would jump up and down shouting, 'Mimi, come on. We're going to be late.'"

The promotional film it was filmed on 30 and 31 January 1967 in Knole Park in Sevenoaks, and was directed by Peter Goldmann. Goldmann was a friend of Klaus Voormann who recommended the Swedish TV director to the group.

Let me take you down,

’cause I’m going to Strawberry fields

Nothing is real      

And nothing to get hung about

Strawberry fields forever


Living is easy with eyes closed

Misunderstanding all you see

It’s getting hard to be someone,

but it all works out

It doesn’t matter much to me


Let me take you down,

’cause I’m going to Strawberry fields

Nothing is real

And nothing to get hung about

Strawberry fields forever


No one, I think, is in my tree

I mean, it must be high or low

That is, you can’t, you know, tune in, but it’s alright

That is, I think it’s not too bad


Let me take you down,

’cause I’m going to Strawberry fields

Nothing is real

And nothing to get hung about Strawberry fields forever


Always, now, sometimes, think it’s me

But, you know, I know when it’s a dream

I think, or, no, I mean, or,  yes, but it’s all wrong

That is, I think I disagree


Let me take you down,

’cause I’m going to Strawberry fields

Nothing is real

And nothing to get hung about Strawberry fields forever

Strawberry fields forever

Strawberry fields forever

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John Denver (December 31, 1943 – October 12, 1997), was an American singer-songwriter, actor, activist, and poet.

One of the most popular acoustic artists of the 1970s in terms of record sales, John Denver recorded and released around 300 songs, of which about 200 were composed by him.

He was named Poet Laureate of Colorado in 1977.

Songs such as "Leaving on a Jet Plane", "Take Me Home, Country Roads", "Rocky Mountain High", "Sunshine on My Shoulders", "Thank God I'm a Country Boy", "Annie's Song" and "Calypso" attained worldwide popularity.

Denver has been referred to as "The Poet for the Planet", "Mother Nature's Son", and "A Song's Best Friend".

On October 12, 1997, Denver was killed when his Experimental Long-EZ plane crashed into the Pacific Ocean near Pacific Grove, California.

Awards and recognition

Academy of Country Music
1974 Album of the Year for "Back Home Again"

American Music Awards
1975 Favorite Pop/Rock Male Artist
1976 Favorite Country Album for "Back Home Again"
1976 Favorite Country Male Artist

Country Music Association
1975 Entertainer of the Year
1975 Song of the Year for "Back Home Again"

Emmy Awards
1975 Emmy for Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Special for "An Evening With John Denver"

Grammy Awards
1997 Best Musical Album For Children for "All Aboard!"
1998 Grammy Hall of Fame Award for "Take Me Home, Country Roads"

Songwriters Hall of Fame
Inducted in 1996

Other recognition
Poet Laureate of Colorado, 1977
People's Choice Award, 1977
Ten Outstanding Young Men of America, 1979
Carl Sandburg’s People’s Poet Award, 1982
NASA Public Service Medal, 1985
Albert Schweitzer Music Award, 1993
"Rocky Mountain High" declared state song of Colorado, 2007


Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high

If i had a day that i could give you
I'd give to you a day just like today
If i had a song that i could sing for you
I'd sing a song to make you feel this way

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high

If i had a tale that i could tell you
I'd tell a tale sure to make you smile
If i had a wish that i could wish for you
I'd make a wish for sunshine all the while

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high
Sunshine almost all the time makes me high
Sunshine almost always

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秀蘭很喜歡唱這首歌, 她是很愛作夢很有詩意的女子. 

事鄗三十多年, 您可還存有此記憶????????


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記不記得這首歌, 我們可愛的秀蘭姐老是帶我們在輔大的草地上歌唱, 不知她在何方??????

Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
When I want you in my arms
When I want you and all your charms
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

When I feel blue in the night
And I need you to hold me tight
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is

I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine
Anytime night or day
Only trouble is, gee whiz
I'm dreamin' my life away

I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine
Anytime night or day
Only trouble is, gee whiz
I'm dreamin' my life away

I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

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