納京高  Nat King Cole ()

  在Nat King Cole短短的47年的歲月裏, 他以飽滿渾厚溫柔的嗓音, 詮釋了多首家喻戶曉的爵士流行樂曲, 至今仍讓人拿出傳唱, 一聽再聽怎也不閒膩. 在心情沉澱之時, 一曲Nat King Cole的樂曲, 無限的溫暖伴隨著您久久不散~~~~



Pretend (1953年曲)

Pretend you're happy when you're blue
It isn't very hard to do
And you'll find happiness without an end
Whenever you pretend

Remember anyone can dream
And nothing's bad as it may seem
The little things you haven't got
Could be a lot if you pretend

You'll find a love you can share
One you can call all your own
Just close your eyes, she'll be there
You'll never be alone

And if you sing this melody
You'll be pretending just like me
The world is mine, it can be yours, my friend
So why don't you pretend?

And if you sing this melody
You'll be pretending just like me
The world is mine, it can be yours, my friend
So why don't you pretend?


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