自古以來, 養生的議題一直為人們津津樂道, 然而養生的方法很多, 在切入之前,您對於自我的體質了解多少, 因這將決定養生的方法與其成效. 何謂體質? 您的體質是屬於那一類型? 相信多一分了解, 您對於未來的健康應更有信心.
自古以來, 養生的議題一直為人們津津樂道, 然而養生的方法很多, 在切入之前,您對於自我的體質了解多少, 因這將決定養生的方法與其成效. 何謂體質? 您的體質是屬於那一類型? 相信多一分了解, 您對於未來的健康應更有信心.
以下運動, 請視自己的體能而作, 一開始切莫超之過急.
◆ 你拍一,我拍一,一直拍到七十七
深呼吸,一種叫胸式呼吸,一種叫腹式呼吸。我們平時呼吸,每一次吸入呼出空氣500毫升,一次深呼吸就有2500毫升~3000毫升。這個深呼吸,一次就有7~8次平時呼吸的量。更重要的不僅是氧氣多了7~8 倍,而且橫膈膜一下降,胃、肝、脾、腸等得到溫和按摩,改善腸胃功能,什麼膽石癌。膽結石全沒有了,還能保護內臟。
下蹲起就是站起來再下蹲,蹲下去再站起來,要做夠5~10次,漸漸做夠15~20次。 人在下蹲站起的時候,對交感神經、副交感神經是最好的鍛煉。以後你突然一下站起來就沒事了,頭暈頭疼腦袋發蒙也沒有了。
什麼是10點10分去看戲呢?雙臂向身體兩側伸開,和地面平行,類似鐘錶9點15分時時針與分針的位置;然後雙臂同時向10點10 分的位置抬起,再回落9點15分的位置。重複這個動作,連續做20~30次。腰肌、背肌、胸肌、頸部肌肉都得到鍛煉。
手指造型保健法(三) (俄羅斯) 佐洛塔列夫 著 |
右手的中指圍繞和壓著食指的尾端節,左手也用同樣方法造型。將兩隻手接合在一起,兩手的大拇指以其側面相接觸。其餘手指相互交叉(圖20)。 用該造型方法既可預防感冒,又可用來治病。可將該造型法教給自己的孩子。
這是第一次接觸到新養身方法, 無論有效與否, 總是閒來無事搓揉手指, 刺激一下末梢神經活絡氣血, 好處還是不少的, 不妨試試看吧!
貼文: CD
手指造型保健法(二) (俄羅斯) 佐洛塔列夫 著 |
將無名指、小指和大拇指 的指肚接觸一起,其餘手指各自伸直。兩隻手應同時造型(圖8)。
手指造型保健法(一) (俄羅斯) 佐洛塔列夫著
l 腳瑜伽
文章出處:i-Nature 編輯部http://www.i-nature.com.tw/articles5/5/417.html
週末假日,我回老家去探望爺爺奶奶。吃完晚飯後,爺爺說:「表現一下你練瑜伽的情況吧。」 於是,我現場為爺爺練了一段,爺爺奶奶很高興,說:「不錯,這身子骨練得還真柔軟,跟你練的都是些年輕人吧?」 我說:「哪裡,我的學生中也有六十多歲的老阿嬤呢,其實爺爺奶奶您們也能練。」 爺爺一聽連連擺手:「我這把老骨頭可經不起那樣折騰。」 看爺爺緊張得像個孩子,我跟奶奶都被逗笑了。我說:「您放心,我不教您難的,只教您一招到了100歲都能練的瑜伽。動動腳趾頭就能讓你腰板直、睡眠好。每天做一做,就能健康長壽。」 爺爺一聽興致來了,問道:「只用腳趾頭就能練瑜伽?那我可要學學。」 「這套『腳趾瑜伽』一共三招──『石頭』、『剪刀』、『布』,就是用腳來模仿我們用手做這些猜拳動作,能鍛煉到腿上的六條經絡。」 「怎麼做呢?先把所有的腳趾都緊緊地抓扣住,好,扣緊,這叫『石頭』。」 ◆ 睡眠品質不佳,絕對做不好「石頭式」。
爺爺做得很好,但奶奶的五個腳趾說什麼也抓不在一起。我對奶奶說:「『石頭』這個動作反映的是頭部的血液循環狀況,凡是睡不好、腦缺血、精神壓力大的人一般都做不好。」 奶奶連連點頭:「沒錯,我最近一直睡不好,老是頭暈,你說得還真準。」
我接著說:「好,那我們接下來把大腳趾向上翹起──這就是『剪刀』。」這回輪到奶奶笑爺爺了,爺爺的大拇趾說什麼也翹不起來,急得他用手去掰。 ◆ 腰部有沒有問題,一做「剪刀式」就知道。
我說:「『剪刀』反映的是腰部狀況,腰椎有問題或者腰肌勞損的人,這個動作就做不來。」 確實,爺爺腰痛的毛病已經很多年了,一直沒根治。 「最後,我們把五根腳趾全都打開,每個腳趾頭都分離,這叫『布』。腳趾打得愈開,經絡就愈通暢。」 這石頭、剪刀、布三招練下來,逗得爺爺奶奶哈哈大笑。我說:「您兩位老人家以後每晚睡覺前都做一做,既通經絡又保健。經絡通了,睡得好、更有體力、氣血更活絡,這比吃什麼保健品都要有效。每天晚上泡完腳後做一做,持續一時間,相信奶奶的睡眠和爺爺腰的毛病都能得到緩解。而且這三個動作還可以讓頭腦變得更靈活,爺爺以後下棋就更厲害了。」
◆ 五根腳趾頭打得愈開愈好。
爺爺奶奶真的持續做這三個動作,不僅自身問題得到解決,他們倆還自創玩法。每次爺爺奶奶意見不一的時候,就用這招來決定誰做主,沒想到還為他們的晚年生活增添一項娛樂。 你每次回家探望長輩的時候,與其拎著包裝華麗但不實用的保健品,不如把這套簡單實用又樂趣無限的「腳趾瑜伽」送給他們。全家老少齊動腳,相信帶來的不只是健康,還有親情與歡樂。
The Frittata is An open-faced omelet with other ingredients, such as cheese or vegetables, mixed into the eggs rather than used as a filling.
Hereunder is a great Italian recipe for you:
From NY time:
March 22, 2011
Ricotta and Spinach Frittata With Mint
I have a lot of spinach in my garden right now, and what doesn’t wind up in salads is going into frittatas. This one is lightly speckled with steamed spinach and seasoned with fresh mint.
6 ounces fresh spinach, stemmed and washed, or 1/2 6-ounce bag baby spinach
6 eggs
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 cup fresh ricotta
1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint
1 garlic clove, minced
2 tablespoons olive oil
1. Steam the spinach above 1 inch of boiling water just until it wilts, about two minutes. Rinse with cold water, squeeze out excess moisture and chop fine.
2. In a medium bowl, beat together the eggs, salt, pepper, ricotta, garlic, spinach and mint.
3. Heat the olive oil over medium-high heat in a heavy 10-inch nonstick skillet. Drop a bit of egg into the pan; if it sizzles and cooks at once, the pan is ready. Pour in the egg mixture. Tilt the pan to distribute the eggs and filling evenly over the surface. Shake the pan gently, tilting it slightly with one hand while lifting up the edges of the frittata with the spatula in your other hand, to let the eggs run underneath during the first few minutes of cooking.
4. Turn the heat down to low, cover and cook 10 minutes, shaking the pan gently every once in a while. From time to time, remove the lid, tilt the pan and loosen the bottom of the frittata with a wooden spatula so that the bottom doesn’t burn. It should turn a golden color. The eggs should be just about set; cook a few minutes longer if they’re not.
5. Meanwhile, heat the broiler. Uncover the pan and place under the broiler, not too close to the heat, for one to three minutes, watching very carefully to make sure the top doesn’t burn (at most, it should brown very slightly and puff under the broiler). Remove from the heat, shake the pan to make sure the frittata isn’t sticking, and allow it to cool for at least five minutes and for as long as 15 minutes. Loosen the edges with a wooden or plastic spatula. Carefully slide from the pan onto a large round platter. Cut into wedges or into smaller bite-size diamonds. Serve hot, warm, at room temperature or cold.
Yield: Six servings.
Advance preparation: In Mediterranean countries, flat omelets are served at room temperature, which makes them perfect do-ahead dishes. They’ll keep in the refrigerator for a few days, and they make terrific lunchbox fare. They do not reheat well.
Nutritional information per serving: 189 calories; 6 grams saturated fat; 2 grams polyunsaturated fat; 7 grams monounsaturated fat; 207 milligrams cholesterol; 3 grams carbohydrates; 0 grams dietary fiber; 121 milligrams sodium (does not include salt to taste); 12 grams protein
Martha Rose Shulman is the author of "The Very Best of Recipes for Health."
Tai Chi i good for the LKK, now it is even included in the guidelines for preventing falls in older people, please refer to the following article..........
February 17, 2011, 8:00 am
New Advice on Preventing Falls
Robert F. Bukaty/Associated Press
For the first time since 2001, the American Geriatrics Society and the British Geriatrics Society have updated their guidelines for preventing falls in older people. The update includes two notable changes: One recommends tai chi — the meditative, slow-motion Chinese exercise — as an effective way to prevent falls, while another suggests that doctors review medication use by all elderly patients, with an eye toward reducing use of those drugs that increase the risk of falling.
The earlier guidelines did not single out any particular exercise regimen and endorsed prescription reviews only for patients taking more than four medications.
Exercise is essential for any older person who can manage it, according to Dr. Mary Tinetti of the Yale University School of Medicine, a chairwoman of the panel that issued the new guidelines. Tai chi gets the nod because several trials have suggested that it seems to help reduce the risk of falling, she said, although it is possible that other forms of balance training work just as well.
Greg Fuller teaches tai chi at the Jewish Home in Los Angeles.“The basic underlying philosophy is that balance is everything,” he said. Most important for his students, whose average age is 90, tai chi involves small, slow, controlled motions.
“With beginners, we spend a lot of time working while seated, bringing attention to the proper alignment of the pelvis, chest and head,” said Mr. Fuller. Once that is accomplished, “finding strength and balance while standing is much easier.”
Even then, many students work standing just behind a chair. “The presence of the chair back within reach gives them a sense of security and confidence,” Mr. Fuller said. “They forget about the possibility of falling and concentrate on the movements.”
Confidence is important to fall prevention, according to Dr. Tinetti, who said that fear of falling can itself lead older people to cut back on activities they used to enjoy. The less they do, sadly, the less they eventually are able to do.
The geriatrics groups also have long recommended that the medication regimens of older patients be reviewed and, if possible, scaled back. Earlier guidelines called for reviewing medications only if a patient takes more than four. This time around, researchers say that all older patients ought to have their doctors review their prescriptions for any that might increase the risk of falling.
“The evidence is strongest that medications that affect the brain — these include antidepressants, sleep medications and medications for anxiety — increase the risk of falling,” said Dr. Tinetti. “There is also a suggestion, not yet proven, that narcotics and some blood pressure medications may increase the risk of falls, as well.”
The updated guidelines distinguish between a fall that requires intervention and one that might be a isolated incident. The updated criteria for getting a risk evaluation are:
An elderly person worried or frightened by a fall.
Two or more falls in the past year.
One or more falls with injury.
Repeated difficulty with balance when walking.
Recent Posts
February 17
New Advice on Preventing Falls
Updated guidelines from two prominent research groups urge the elderly to consider t'ai chi and encourage doctors to more closely scrutinize the medications taken by all older patients.
February 16
When the Battle With Cancer Can’t Be Won
A new booklet from the American Society of Clinical Oncology lays out the options when cancer is found to be advanced.
February 15
Clearing the Fog in Nursing Homes
In Minnesota, nursing home residents are weaned from psychotropic drugs in an experimental effort to reconnect them to the world.
February 11
Getting Dad to Talk About It
Older men often are reluctant to tell their doctors, much less family members, that something is wrong, experts say.
February 09
Changes to Medicare
Donald Berwick, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, describes a few new changes to the Medicare program.
Green tea is made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis that have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originates from China land has become associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan and South Korea to the Middle East.
Recently, it has become more widespread in the West, where black tea is traditionally consumed. Many varieties of green tea have been created in countries where they are grown. These varieties can differ substantially due to variable growing conditions, horticulture, production processing, and harvesting time.
Green Tea Cake is very delicious!
Over the last few decades green tea has been subjected to many scientific and medical studies to determine the extent of its long-purported health benefits, with some evidence suggesting that regular green tea drinkers have lower chances of heart disease and developing certain types of cancer.
Although green tea does not raise the metabolic rate enough to produce immediate weight loss, a green tea extract containing polyphenols and caffeine has been shown to induce thermogenesis and stimulate fat oxidation, boosting the metabolic rate 4% without increasing the heart rate.
Green tea ice cream is good after a greasy meal. And it is good for summer.
Chinese green tea:
龙井 Longjing
景宁惠明茶 Hui Ming
开化龙顶 Long Ding
华顶云雾 Hua Ding
天目青顶 Qing Ding
平水珠茶 Gunpowder
洞庭碧螺春 Bi Luo Chun
white tea and oolong tea
Matcha (抹茶, powdered tea)
Tea consumption has its legendary origins in China of more than 4,000 years ago. Green tea has been used as both a beverage and a method of traditional medicine in most of Asia, including China, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea and Thailand, to help everything from controlling bleeding and helping heal wounds to regulating body temperature, blood sugar and promoting digestion.
The Kissa Yojoki (Book of Tea), written by Zen priest Eisai in 1191, describes how drinking green tea can have a positive effect on the five vital organs, especially the heart.
The book discusses tea's medicinal qualities, which include easing the effects of alcohol, acting as a stimulant, curing blotchiness, quenching thirst, eliminating indigestion, curing beriberi disease, preventing fatigue, and improving urinary and brain function.
How much: Sparingly
Healthy choices: Unsweetened dried fruit, dark chocolate, fruit sorbet
Why: Dark chocolate provides polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Choose dark chocolate with at least 70 percent pure cocoa and have an ounce a few times a week. Fruit sorbet is a better option than other frozen desserts.
How much: Optional, no more than 1-2 glasses per day
Healthy choices: Organic red wine
Why: Red wine has beneficial antioxidant activity. Limit intake to no more than 1-2 servings per day. If you do not drink alcohol, do not start.
How much: Daily
Healthy choices: High quality multivitamin/multimineral that includes key antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, mixed carotenoids, and selenium); co-enzyme Q10; 2-3 grams of a molecularly distilled fish oil; 2,000 IU of vitamin D3
Why: Supplements help fill any gaps in your diet when you are unable to get your daily requirement of micronutrients.
Click here to learn more about supplements and get your free recommendation.
How much: 2-4 cups per day
Healthy choices: White, green, oolong teas
Why: Tea is rich in catechins, antioxidant compounds that reduce inflammation. Purchase high-quality tea and learn how to correctly brew it for maximum taste and health benefits.
How much: Unlimited amounts
Healthy choices: Turmeric, curry powder (which contains turmeric), ginger and garlic (dried and fresh), chili peppers, basil, cinnamon, rosemary, thyme
Why: Use these herbs and spices generously to season foods. Turmeric and ginger are powerful, natural anti-inflammatory agents.
How much: 1-2 servings a week (one portion is equal to 1 ounce of cheese, 1 eight-ounce serving of dairy, 1 egg, 3 ounces cooked poultry or skinless meat)
Healthy choices: High quality natural cheese and yogurt, omega-3 enriched eggs, skinless poultry, grass-fed lean meats
Why: In general, try to reduce consumption of animal foods. If you eat chicken, choose organic, cage-free chicken and remove the skin and associated fat. Use organic, reduced-fat dairy products moderately, especially yogurt and natural cheeses such as Emmental (Swiss), Jarlsberg and true Parmesan. If you eat eggs, choose omega-3 enriched eggs (made by feeding hens a flax-meal-enriched diet), or organic eggs from free-range chickens.
How much: Unlimited amounts
Healthy choices: Shiitake, enokidake, maitake, oyster mushrooms (and wild mushrooms if available)
Why: These mushrooms contain compounds that enhance immune function. Never eat mushrooms raw, and minimize consumption of common commercial button mushrooms (including crimini and portobello).
How much: 1-2 servings per day (one serving is equal to ½ cup tofu or tempeh, 1 cup soymilk, ½ cup cooked edamame, 1 ounce of soynuts)
Healthy choices: Tofu, tempeh, edamame, soy nuts, soymilk
Why: Soy foods contain isoflavones that have antioxidant activity and are protective against cancer. Choose whole soy foods over fractionated foods like isolated soy protein powders and imitation meats made with soy isolate.
How much: 2-6 servings per week (one serving is equal to 4 ounces of fish or seafood)
Healthy choices: Wild Alaskan salmon (especially sockeye), herring, sardines, and black cod (sablefish)
Why: These fish are rich in omega-3 fats, which are strongly anti-inflammatory. If you choose not to eat fish, take a molecularly distilled fish oil supplement that provides both EPA and DHA in a dose of 2-3 grams per day.
How much: 5-7 servings per day (one serving is equal to 1 teaspoon of oil, 2 walnuts, 1 tablespoon of flaxseed, 1 ounce of avocado)
Healthy choices: For cooking, use extra virgin olive oil and expeller-pressed organic canola oil. Other sources of healthy fats include nuts (especially walnuts), avocados, and seeds - including hemp seeds and freshly ground flaxseed. Omega-3 fats are also found in cold water fish, omega-3 enriched eggs, and whole soy foods. Organic, expeller pressed, high-oleic sunflower or safflower oils may also be used, as well as walnut and hazelnut oils in salads and dark roasted sesame oil as a flavoring for soups and stir-fries
Why: Healthy fats are those rich in either monounsaturated or omega-3 fats. Extra-virgin olive oil is rich in polyphenols with antioxidant activity and canola oil contains a small fraction of omega-3 fatty acids.
How much: 3-5 servings a day (one serving is equal to about ½ cup cooked grains)
Healthy choices: Brown rice, basmati rice, wild rice, buckwheat, groats, barley, quinoa, steel-cut oats
Why: Whole grains digest slowly, reducing frequency of spikes in blood sugar that promote inflammation. "Whole grains" means grains that are intact or in a few large pieces, not whole wheat bread or other products made from flour.
PASTA (al dente)
How much: 2-3 servings per week (one serving is equal to about ½ cup cooked pasta)
Healthy choices: Organic pasta, rice noodles, bean thread noodles, and part whole wheat and buckwheat noodles like Japanese udon and soba
Why: Pasta cooked al dente (when it has "tooth" to it) has a lower glycemic index than fully-cooked pasta. Low-glycemic-load carbohydrates should be the bulk of your carbohydrate intake to help minimize spikes in blood glucose levels.
How much: 1-2 servings per day (one serving is equal to ½ cup cooked beans or legumes)
Healthy choices: Beans like Anasazi, adzuki and black, as well as chickpeas, black-eyed peas and lentils
Why: Beans are rich in folic acid, magnesium, potassium and soluble fiber. They are a low-glycemic-load food. Eat them well-cooked either whole or pureed into spreads like hummus.
How much: 4-5 servings per day minimum (one serving is equal to 2 cups salad greens, ½ cup vegetables cooked, raw or juiced)
Healthy Choices: Lightly cooked dark leafy greens (spinach, collard greens, kale, Swiss chard), cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, bok choy and cauliflower), carrots, beets, onions, peas, squashes, sea vegetables and washed raw salad greens
Why: Vegetables are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Go for a wide range of colors, eat them both raw and cooked, and choose organic when possible.
How much: 3-4 servings per day (one serving is equal to 1 medium size piece of fruit, ½ cup chopped fruit, ¼ cup of dried fruit)
Healthy choices: Raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, nectarines, oranges, pink grapefruit, red grapes, plums, pomegranates, blackberries, cherries, apples, and pears - all lower in glycemic load than most tropical fruits
Why: Fruits are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Go for a wide range of colors, choose fruit that is fresh in season or frozen, and buy organic when possible.
Additional Item:
How much: Throughout the day
Healthy choices: Drink pure water, or drinks that are mostly water (tea, very diluted fruit juice, sparkling water with lemon) throughout the day.
Why: Water is vital for overall functioning of the body.
For more information please refer to the following:
Okinawa diet pyramid:
The Okinawa-Diet food guide pyramid emphasizes eating
healthy fat,
flavonoid ,
and omega-3 rich foods.
Whole grains and other "Right Carbs" along with vegetables make up the base of the pyramid.
Use the Okinawa-Diet food pyramid to guide you in making healthy and nutritious food choices.
What is Okinawa Diet:
Generally, the traditional diet of the islanders was 20% lower in calories than the Japanese average and contained 300% of the green/yellow vegetables (particularly heavy on sweet potatoes).
Local grow vegetable
The Okinawan diet is low in fat and has only 25% of the sugar and 75% of the grains of the average Japanese dietary intake.
The traditional diet also includes a relatively small amount of fish (less than half a serving per day) and somewhat more in the way of soy and other legumes (6% of total caloric intake).
Fresh caught fish
With exception of pork, almost no meat is consumed; virtually no eggs or dairy products are consumed either. Okinawans include pork in their diets. However, the fat content of the pork is eliminated; prior to the preparation of the pork, the fat is boiled off.
Refer to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Okinawa_diet
What's the key to long-term heart health?
By Michael d'Oliveira, mdoliveira@tribune.com
"According to the World Health Organization, in 2008 Japan tied with San Marino for the highest average life expectancy, 83.
In Japan, nowhere are the benefits of moderation more apparent than in Okinawa, which has more per capita centenarians than anywhere else in the world.
The Okinawa Centenarian Study – conducted by Makoto Suzuki, MD, PhD, Dr. Craig Willcox, PhD and Bradley Willcox MD, MS – found that elderly Okinawa residents had an 80 percent lower risk for coronary disease compared to citizens in Western nations.
"Their healthy arteries appear to be in large part due to their lifestyle:
regular exercise,
moderate alcohol use,
avoidance of smoking,
blood pressure control
and a stress-minimizing psycho-spiritual outlook.
However, there are also potential genetic aspects such as lower fibrinogen levels possibly due to differences in fibrinogen-related genes. A recent autopsy study that we conducted on a centenarian demonstrated that her coronary arteries were virtually free of atherosclerotic plaque," reads part of the study.
When it comes to heart health, diet and exercise go hand-in-hand. "You can't say which is more important," Cusnir said. Diets high in fat or too many carbohydrates can cause heart disease, diabetes and other conditions while lack of exercise can weaken the heart.
Campbell said the best diet is one that's balanced with "a good mix of all the major food groups."..."
Another wonderful man in our times:
Andrew Thomas Weil (Born June 8, 1942) is an American author and physician, best known for establishing and popularizing the field of integrative medicine. Weil is the author of several best-selling books and operates a website and monthly newsletter promoting general health and healthy aging. He is the founder and Program Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine (formerly the Program in Integrative Medicine), which he started in 1994 at the University of Arizona . He founded Weil Lifestyle LLC.
His news letters web site as: e-bulletins@communications.drweil.com
Diet to prevent the cancer:
A healthy diet can help the body in its efforts to heal itself, and in some cases, particular foods can lessen the risks of serious illness. To help reduce your risk of some types of cancer, try the following:
Avoid polyunsaturated vegetable oils, margarine, vegetable shortening, all partially hydrogenated oils and all foods that might contain trans-fatty acids (such as deep-fried foods).
Increase omega-3 fatty acid intake by eating more cold water oily fish, freshly ground flaxseed and walnuts.
Reduce consumption of animal foods and try replacing them with plant-based proteins such as whole soy products.
Use hormone-free, organically produced products whenever possible.
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Eat shiitake, enokitake, maitake and oyster mushrooms frequently.
Drink green tea daily.
Diet is good for your heart:
February is Heart Health Month - look for advice throughout the month intended to help you manage cardio-related health concerns. And for more information, sign up for our new Heart Health newsletter!
Adopting prudent lifestyle habits and eating a healthy diet are the best ways to achieve optimal health. You can help minimize risks of heart disease and promote a strong cardiovascular system by adding these anti-inflammatory foods to your diet:
Nuts, especially almonds, walnuts and cashews, contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. Eat a moderate portion every day.
Whole soy protein. If you substitute whole soy protein, such as edamame or tofu, for animal protein each day, you can lower levels of homocysteine, a toxic amino acid linked to increased risk of heart disease.
Fresh garlic. This medicinal herb may help lower cholesterol levels. Use one or two raw or lightly cooked cloves a day.
Green tea. It provides EGCG, a polyphenol than may help to moderate inflammation and lower cholesterol. Substitute a cup of heart-healthy green tea for your morning coffee or afternoon soda.
Soluble fiber. It has a powerful cholesterol-lowering effect. Beans, legumes and whole grains are good sources to add to your diet - aim for one or two servings per day.
Chocolate May Help Control Cholesterol
Savor that leftover Valentine's Day chocolate - it may help control your cholesterol.
The latest good news about chocolate's effects on health comes from a study showing that antioxidants that it contains, called polyphenols,
boost levels of HDL (the "good" cholesterol) and lower LDL (the "bad" cholesterol) at least in the lab.
Japanese researchers used cultures of human liver and intestinal cells to analyze the effect of cocoa polyphenols on cholesterol. They found that these polyphenols increased levels of apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1) a protein that is a major component of HDL, while lowering levels of apolipoprotein B (ApoB), the main component of LDL.
They reported that the polyphenols work by boosting the action of specific proteins that attach to DNA and switch on genes that raise HDL levels.
They also observed that cocoa polyphenols appear to increase the activity of LDL receptors, which helps lower levels of this "bad" cholesterol.
The study was published online on Jan. 12, 2011 by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Lifestyle Trumps Heredity in Predicting Life Span
If you expect to live into your nineties because your parents did, think again.
A new study from Sweden has found that lifestyle factors are much more important than heredity in determining who lives longest.
The researchers from Gothenburg University found that not smoking, drinking moderate amounts of coffee and having low cholesterol and good socioeconomic status at age 50 (based on housing costs) plus being in good physical working order at age 54 are key to living to 90 or longer.
The study began in 1963, enrolling one third of all 50-year-old men in Gothenburg. Since then, a new group of men has been added to the study every 10 years (women were first included in 2003). The original group of men - all born in 1913 - were examined at ages 50, 54, 60, 67, 75 and 80. Of the 855 who enrolled at the start, 13 percent were still alive at age 90.
The study was published online on Dec. 22, 2010 by the Journal of Internal Medicine.
His Books as:
The Natural Mind (1972, rev. 2004)
Marriage of Sun and Moon: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Consciousness (1980, rev. 2004)
Health and Healing (1983, rev. 2004)
with Winifred Rosen (2004. First published 1983), From Chocolate to Morphine: Everything you need to know about mind-altering drugs, Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, ISBN 0-618-48379-9, retrieved 7 September 2010
Spontaneous Healing (1995)
Natural Health, Natural Medicine (1995, rev. 2004)
8 Weeks to Optimum Health (1997, rev. 2006)
Eating Well for Optimum Health (2000)
Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing, audio CD, Sounds True (2000)
The Healthy Kitchen with Rosie Daley (2002)
Healthy Aging (2005)
Why Our Health Matters (September 2009)
He has written forewords for books by Paul Stamets, Lewis Mehl-Madrona, Tolly Burkan, and Wade Davis, among others.
In addition to his website and daily blog, Weil occasionally writes articles for Time Magazine and Huffington Post.
He also maintains a Twitter feed.[14]
Valentine is just one day event; however Love is one of essential power in our life.
Love makes our life more meaningful.
The following article is about Food for Love for your reference.
Foods of Love - Food as Aphrodisiacs Many common foods are used as aphrodisiacs
By Peggy Trowbridge Filippone, About.com Guide Valentine's Day Foods of Love .
Love Foods History is rife with the human pursuit of aphrodisiacs in many forms.
Scientific tests have proven that some aromas can cause a greater effect on the body than the actual ingestion of foods.
Here are some common foods of love used through the ages.
• Alcohol: lowers inhibitions and increases confidence; however, over-indulgence has a sedative effect not conducive to a romantic tryst.
Oysters : Some oysters repeatedly change their sex from male to female and back, giving rise to claims that the oyster lets one experience the the masculine and feminine sides of love.
Truffles probably due to its rarity and musky aroma, it has long been considered to arouse the palate and the body. To sustain his masculinity, an ancient lover in lore was said to have gorged himself to death on Alba truffles during the wedding feast.
Perfumes amde of natural food stuffs: : vanilla,
made of natural foodstuffs such as almond, and other herbs and spices act as a pheromone to communicate emotions by smell.
Asparagus : three courses of asparagus were served to 19th century bridegrooms due to its reputed aphrodisiac powers.
Banana : due not only to its shape, but also its creamy, lush texture, some studies show its enzyme bromelain enhances male performance.
Caviar : is high in zinc, which stimulates the formation of testosterone, maintaining male functionality.
Champagne : viewed as the "drink of love," moderate quantities lower inhibitions and cause a warm glow in the body.
Chocolate : contains both a sedative which relaxes and lowers inhibitions and a stimulant to increase activity and the desire for physical contact. It was actually banned from some monasteries centuries ago.
Figs : seasonal crops were celebrated by ancient Greeks in a frenzied copulation ritual. • Ginseng: increases desire for physical contact.
Radish: considered a divine aphrodisiac by Egyptian pharoahs, most likely because its spicy taste stimulated the palate.
For detail please check with the following link:
(Aphrodisiac -An aphrodisiac is a substance that increases sexual desire.
please view http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aphrodisiac)
企劃/執行:整合行銷部 文字:薛文甫
在一片經濟不景氣中,如何讓我們的消費行為得到最大的效益是人人所追求的,然而喝咖啡也能兼顧健康與美麗您相信嗎?不用懷疑,事實如此。而咖啡對人體健康的功效除了能分解脂肪達到減肥的效果之外,依據醫學報導:咖啡確實有防治肝炎及心臟血管疾病的效果。在最新一期「美國醫學會季刊」的報導中,更指出咖啡可以防止會導致巴金森氏症的腦神經細胞退化,一項長達三十年針對8000多名夏威夷日本裔男子進行的研究發現,完全不喝咖啡的人罹患巴金森氏症的機率是一天喝四、五杯以上咖啡者的五倍之多。「BODY美體攻略」便透過「台灣KOHIKAN珈琲館總部」協助,取得這些資料,讓您也一起作作COFFEE SPA,讓您喝出健康,也找回您的曲線與美麗囉!
<http://img.epaper.com.tw/img/body/20070313/1.jpg> 世界各國都在進行研究咖啡對健康的效果。去年,在日本舉行第16回國際咖啡科學會議,會議上日本女子大學食品科的Guenn教授發表了有關「咖啡抗病變的手段」的題目,其中介紹咖啡所含有的抑制之活性酸素的效果。
對平日一天喝數杯咖啡的14位年輕男女做實驗,一個月內完全不碰咖啡,一個月後再每天讓他們喝5杯濾過式的咖啡,每週進行血液分析。剛開始飲用時被稱為良性膽固醇的HDL 漸漸增加,飲用4週後大約增加了15 %。實驗對象改成其他人再做第2次試驗,HDL 仍增加。HDL會從細胞內抽出過剩的膽固醇防止在動脈的內側沉澱,所以HDL多就不易發生動脈硬化。
最近咖啡的抗酸化作用也引人注目。科學上認定體內酸化會促進老化,故防止酸化就是防老化。咖啡對身體雖有很多好處,但一天喝5杯左右就好。牛飲會造成胃的負擔。因人而異也會有脈搏不整或失眠的情形,血液中的膽固醇與體質和習慣有很大的關係。 膽固醇數值易偏高的人又攝取脂肪多的食物會造成動脈硬化,所以首先讓生活正常化吧!
大腸菌的抗菌力測定實驗有2種,一種是洋菜的培養基,一種是液體的培養基,從這2種實驗中,可以得知咖啡的濃度越上升,抗菌作用就越提高。在洋菜的培養基中,濃度1%的咖啡,大腸菌的生存率下降 下降到20%,濃度2%的咖啡,大腸菌的生存率下降到1%,在液體培養基的實驗中,如果是濃度50%的咖啡,大腸菌是完全沒辦法繁殖的。當然,並不是將咖啡塗在生食上就能放心,但是如果能更進一步研究咖啡的抗菌作用,那有效的控制各種食物中毒的咖啡活用提案是可以被期待的。
不過,菸鹼酸並不是固定於某種形狀,在食品中一旦加熱它會轉變成另一種型態~前驅物質,特別是咖啡豆、魚貝類、豆類內含有豐富的前驅物質。 經過調查,在攝氏220度、加熱20分鐘的狀態下,最容易讓菸鹼酸產生變化,就好比烘焙咖啡豆一樣。
事實上,我們調查100毫升的咖啡中所含之菸鹼酸份量結果如下:美式咖啡(淺度烘焙)0.16毫克,中度烘焙0.2~0.25毫克,冰咖啡(重度烘焙)1.6毫克,冰咖啡所含之菸鹼酸為美式咖啡的10倍。 沖泡200毫升咖啡的話,一杯冰咖啡內約有3.2毫克的菸鹼酸,計算一天要喝4~5杯的冰咖啡才夠一天所需的菸鹼酸量。
<http://img.epaper.com.tw/img/body/20070313/0.jpg> 清晨剛起床時喝杯咖啡會讓胃、頭腦甚至身體的各部位皆感到舒暢。咖啡所具備之各種功能可以讓身體器官順利發揮各自的功能。咖啡因會使末梢血管擴張、心臟跳動加速、促進血液循環,所以喝咖啡會使新鮮的血液暢流全身,腦部和身體也較靈活。
咖啡會使血壓上昇,然而貿然斷定高血壓的人應避免咖啡比較好的想法是錯誤的。有關咖啡的研究或調查有很多,但喝大量咖啡的人較多患有高血壓的說法並不成立。 高血壓的人容易有動脈硬化的病。動脈硬化會使引起腦梗塞等危險性增高,動脈硬化的原因之一就是所謂膽固醇的脂肪質在血管內沉澱。約10年前,咖啡會使膽固醇增加,促進動脈硬化的說法在醫學界被視為常識。但是在日本還沒有喝濾過式咖啡或即溶咖啡而使惡性膽固醇增加的事發生。
07.大白菜:大白菜中的豐富維生素C能降低人體膽固醇濃度,增血管彈性,常吃可預防動脈粥樣硬化 & 心血管疾病。
10.洋蔥:洋蔥含有二烯丙基二硫化物、硫氨基酸及半胱氨酸,具良好降脂作用。洋蔥是目前所知極少數含有前列腺素A 的蔬菜,是較強血管擴張劑,能降低外周血管阻力與血液黏稠度,降低血壓。
The Real Dirt on Farmer John is a 2005 documentary film directed by Taggart Siegel about the life of Midwestern farmer John Peterson, operator of Angelic Organics.
This film are 9 parts of it, enjoy it.
From NY Times
January 7, 2011, 12:40 pm
Nutrition Advice From the China Study
Six years ago a small Texas publisher released an obscure book written by a father-son research team. The work, based on a series of studies conducted in rural China and Taiwan , challenged the conventional wisdom about health and nutrition by espousing the benefits of a plant-based diet.
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D.
To everyone’s surprise, the book, called “The China Study,” has since sold 500,000 copies, making it one of the country’s best-selling nutrition titles. The book focuses on the knowledge gained from the China Study, a 20-year partnership of Cornell University , Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine that showed high consumption of animal-based foods is associated with more chronic disease, while those who ate primarily a plant-based diet were the healthiest.
Last fall, former President Bill Clinton even cited the book in explaining how he lost 24 pounds by converting to a plant-based diet in hopes of improving his heart health. The president gave up dairy, switching to almond milk, and says he lives primarily on beans and other legumes, vegetables and fruit, although he will, on rare occasions, eat fish.
Recently, I spoke with T. Colin Campbell, a co-author of the book and professor emeritus at Cornell University , about the success of the book, the research behind it, and why he thinks the nation’s health woes can be solved by plant-based eating. Here’s our conversation.
How did you end up writing this book?
I have been in the field for a long time and had a major research program at Cornell. We published a lot of research over the years. My program had a good reputation. I’d finally gotten to a point where we’d discovered a lot of things that were very exciting, things that were provocative. Finally I sat down to write the book, to tell my story.
What was so unusual about your story?
In the beginning of my career I was teaching nutrition in a very classical sense. Nutrient by nutrient. That’s the way we did research, that’s the way I taught it. I came to believe, after doing the work we did in the Philippines and China , that there was a very different world of understanding nutrition. I ended up with a view now that is almost diametrically opposed to what I had when I started my career.
How have your views changed?
I was raised on a dairy farm. I milked cows. I went away to graduate school at Cornell University , and I thought the good old American diet is the best there is. The more dairy, meat and eggs we consumed, the better. The early part of my career was focused on protein, protein, protein. It was supposed to solve the world’s ills. But when we started doing our research, we found that when we start consuming protein in excess of the amount we need, it elevates blood cholesterol and atherosclerosis and creates other problems.
The problem is that we study one nutrient out of context. That’s the way we did research — one vitamin at a time, one mineral, one fat. It was always in a reductionist, narrowly focused way. But I learned that protein is not quite what we thought it was. We’ve distorted our diet seriously through the ages, and we have all the problems we have because of that distortion.
What loomed large for me was that we shouldn’t be thinking in a linear way that A causes B. We should be thinking about how things work together. It’s a very complex biological system. The body is always trying to restore health every microsecond of our lives. How do we furnish the resources for the body to use? In order to try to understand that, we shouldn’t be giving ourselves individual nutrient supplements. We shouldn’t be trying to discover which gene causes what. But those two areas have become the major focus of research over the years.
So how should we be eating?
I don’t use the word “vegan” or “vegetarian.” I don’t like those words. People who chose to eat that way chose to because of ideological reasons. I don’t want to denigrate their reasons for doing so, but I want people to talk about plant-based nutrition and to think about these ideas in a very empirical scientific sense, and not with an ideological bent to it.
The idea is that we should be consuming whole foods. We should not be relying on the idea that genes are determinants of our health. We should not be relying on the idea that nutrient supplementation is the way to get nutrition, because it’s not. I’m talking about whole, plant-based foods. The effect it produces is broad for treatment and prevention of a wide variety of ailments, from cancer to heart disease to diabetes.
Do you advocate a 100 percent plant-based diet?
We eat that way, meaning my family, our five grown children and five grandchildren. We all eat this way now. I say the closer we get to a plant-based diet the healthier we are going to be.
It’s not because we have data to show that 100 percent plant-based eating is better than 95 percent. But if someone has been diagnosed with cancer or heart disease, it’s smart to go ahead and do the whole thing. If I start saying you can have a little of this, a little of that, it allows them to deviate off course. Our taste preferences change. We tend to choose the foods we become accustomed to, and in part because we become addicted to them, dietary fat in particular.
If we go to a plant-based diet, at first it might be difficult, but it turns out after a month or two our taste preferences change and we discover new tastes and feel a lot better, and we don’t want to go back. It’s not a religion with me, it’s just that the closer we get to a 100 percent plant-based diet, the better off we’re going to be.
Have you been surprised by the success of your book?
I have been a little surprised. When I finished writing the book with my son, who had just finished medical school, I didn’t know how well it was going to do. We had an agent who shopped the manuscript around, and the publishers all wanted 60 to 70 percent of the pages to be recipes. I said, “That’s not my shtick.” They wanted me to dumb it down.
I went to a small publisher in Texas who let us do what we wanted to do. I didn’t want to proselytize and preach. I didn’t want to write a book that says, “This is the way it has to be.” It’s a chronology. Here’s how I learned it, and let the reader decide. I say, “If you don’t believe me, just try it.” They do, and they get results. And then they tell everybody else.
Alice Waters, chef, author, and the proprietor of Chez Panisse, is an American pioneer of a culinary philosophy that maintains that cooking should be based on the finest and freshest seasonal ingredients that are produced sustainably and locally. She is a passionate advocate for a food economy that is “good, clean, and fair.” Over the course of nearly forty years, Chez Panisse has helped create a community of scores of local farmers and ranchers whose dedication to sustainable agriculture assures the restaurant a steady supply of fresh and pure ingredients.
當天煮完..猛喝三大杯...500CCㄝ....大概隔天就化很多痰出來.由黃轉白轉淡....很努力喝了一星期...醫生不相信她竟然幾乎痊癒了!後來我們全家都喝!!!一天至少早晚各喝250 -500C C.....到現在持續喝了近5 個月....小朋友的氣管差的多少喝一些也多少有幫忙喔!!要溫溫的喝...若涼了...再加熱或隔水熱一樣OK!!!
4. 兩小匙蓮藕粉
(蓮藕粉不能直接加入熱水...會像太白粉變成一陀果凍!!!! 哈哈!!!)