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5. 胸部:













9. 膝蓋:






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這是一個全新的醫學觀念,不只治療疼痛,還能解除人類身上所有病痛,不需用針,不必吃藥,只用雙手推揉固定部位,即可達到明顯療效,輕微者甚至可一次治癒,連癌症治療都能得到印證,創始者張釗漢 醫師成立張釗漢疼痛醫療基金會推廣,希望每個人都能學會如何照顧自己的身體,並應用此一療法幫助其他處於病痛中的朋友。











1. 頭、頸部:

2. 肩部:

3. 手肘、肘臂部:

4. 手指部:


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August 28, 2010
Years Later, No Magic Bullet Against Alzheimer’s Disease

BETHESDA, Md. — The scene was a kind of science court. On trial was the question “Can anything — running on a treadmill, eating more spinach, learning Arabic — prevent Alzheimer’s disease or delay its progression?”

To try to answer that question, the National Institutes of Health sponsored the court, appointing a jury of 15 medical scientists with no vested interests in Alzheimer’s research. They would hear the evidence and reach a judgment on what the data showed.

For a day and a half last spring, researchers presented their cases, describing studies and explaining what they had hoped to show. The jury also heard from scientists from Duke University who had been commissioned to look at the body of evidence — hundreds of research papers — and weigh it. And the jury members had read the papers themselves, preparing for this day.

The studies included research on nearly everything proposed to prevent the disease: exercise, mental stimulation, healthy diet, social engagement, nutritional supplements, anti-inflammatory drugs or those that lower cholesterol or blood pressure, even the idea that people who marry or stay trim might be saved from dementia. And they included research on traits that might hasten Alzheimer’s onset, like not having much of an education or being a loner.

It is an issue that has taken on intense importance because scientists recently reported compelling evidence that two types of tests, PET scans of Alzheimer’s plaque in the brain and tests of spinal fluid, can find signs of the disease years before people have symptoms. That gives rise to the question: What, if anything, can people do to prevent it?

Read details visit: 



August 30, 2010, 9:00 am
Aging’s Misunderstood Virtues

When I asked Lars Tornstam, a Swedish sociologist, for an example of the state he calls gerotranscendence, he described a hypothetical daughter planning a cocktail party. Her elderly mother usually attends the affairs and enjoys herself, so the daughter invites her as usual — but this time, the mother declines. Naturally, the daughter worries. Is her mother ill? Depressed? This is not like her.

But perhaps there’s nothing wrong, said Dr. Tornstam, who has been investigating aging for more than 25 years. Our values and interests don’t usually remain static from the time we’re 20 years old until the time we’re 45, so why do we expect that sort of consistency in later decades?

“We develop and change; we mature,” he told me in a phone interview from his home in Uppsala, Sweden. “It’s a process that goes on all our lives, and it doesn’t ever end. The mistake we make in middle age is thinking that good aging means continuing to be the way we were at 50. Maybe it’s not.”

An increased need for solitude, and for the company of only a few intimates, is one of the traits Dr. Tornstam attributes to this continuing maturation. So that elderly mother isn’t deteriorating, necessarily — she’s evolving.

“People tell us they are different people at 80,” Dr. Tornstam explained. “They have new interests, and they have left some things behind.”

Read detail visit: 



Doctors Seek Way to Treat Muscle Loss

Participants in a University of Florida study use ankle weights to increase strength and balance. Researchers say muscle deterioration is a major reason some of the elderly lose mobility and cannot live independently.
Published: August 30, 2010

Bears emerge from months of hibernation with their muscles largely intact. Not so for people, who, if bedridden that long, would lose so much muscle they would have trouble standing.

Why muscles wither with age is captivating a growing number of scientists, drug and food companies, let alone aging baby boomers who, despite having spent years sweating in the gym, are confronting the body’s natural loss of muscle tone over time.

Comparisons between age groups underline the muscle disparity: An 80-year-old might have 30 percent less muscle mass than a 20-year-old. And strength declines even more than mass. Weight-lifting records for 60-year-old men are 30 percent lower than for 30-year-olds; for women the drop-off is 50 percent.

With interest high among the aging, the market potential for maintaining and rebuilding muscle mass seems boundless. Drug companies already are trying to develop drugs that can build muscles or forestall their weakening without the notoriety of anabolic steroids. Food giants like Nestlé and Danone are exploring nutritional products with the same objective.

In addition, geriatric specialists, in particular, are now trying to establish the age-related loss of muscles as a medical condition under the name sarcopenia, from the Greek for loss of flesh. Simply put, sarcopenia is to muscle what osteoporosis is to bone.

“In the future, sarcopenia will be known as much as osteoporosis is now,” said Dr. Bruno Vellas, president of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics.

Researchers involved in the effort say doctors and patients need to be more aware that muscle deterioration is a major reason the elderly lose mobility and cannot live independently.

For more details visit: 


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Celery contains phytochemicals called phthalides, which some studies have shown reduce stress hormones and work to relax the muscle walls in arteries, increasing blood flow. As a result, it has long been used in Chinese medicine to help control high blood pressure. Celery is an excellent source of vitamins K and C, and a very good source of potassium, folate, dietary fiber, molybdenum, manganese, and vitamin B6. --Martha Rose Shulman

Celery and Tofu Salad  

Adapted from Szechuan Gourmet, Manhattan  

July 30, 2010 from NY Times


Time: 20 minutes, plus resting time  


1 cup peanut oil

1 piece ginger, 2 inches long, cut into 3 or 4 slices  

1 piece cinnamon, 3 inches long  

3 cloves  

1 teaspoon coriander seeds  

1 teaspoon cumin seeds  

4 star anise  

1 tablespoon Sichuan peppercorns  

1/4 cup red chili flakes, or more to taste  


1 bunch Chinese celery, thinly sliced  

4 to 6 ounces pressed tofu, thinly sliced or julienned.


1. Heat oil in a small saucepan over medium-high heat; when it simmers, add ginger, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, star anise, Sichuan peppercorns and chili flakes. Remove from heat and let sit until cool, at least 1 hour and preferably 2 or 3. Strain oil into a bowl or jar and discard spices.  

2. Put a pot of salted water over high heat and bring to a boil. Add celery and blanch for about a minute; drain in colander and run under cold water to stop the cooking process.  

3. Layer celery and tofu on serving plates, drizzle with chili oil and sprinkle with salt.  

Yield: about 4 servings.

Celery and Potato Soup

November 12, 2008

Recipes for Health

Celery and Potato Soup




This light puree is more celery than potato. The potato thickens the soup, a simple potage that is brought to life by the tiny amount of walnut oil that’s drizzled onto each serving.


2 tablespoons olive oil  

1 small onion, chopped  

1 large or 2 medium leeks, white and light green part only, cleaned and sliced  

6 celery stalks, sliced (about 3/4 pound)  

Kosher salt  (optional, you can use regular salt)

1 medium-size russet potato, about 10 ounces, peeled and diced  

4 garlic cloves, peeled and halved, green shoots removed  

A bouquet garni made a bay leaf and a couple of sprigs each parsley and thyme, tied together  

7 cups water or chicken stock  

Freshly ground pepper  

For garnish:

 2 teaspoons walnut oil

 1/4 cup very thinly sliced celery

 chopped chives or chervil (optional) 


 1. Heat the olive oil over medium-low heat, add the onion, leek, and celery, and cook gently, stirring often, for about 10 minutes, until very tender. Add 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt after the first 5 minutes. Make sure that the vegetables do not color.  

2. Add the potatoes, garlic, and bouquet garni. Stir together and add the water or stock. Bring to a simmer, add salt to taste, cover and simmer 30 to 40 minutes, until the vegetables are very tender and the broth fragrant. Remove from the heat.  

3. Remove the bouquet garni from the soup. Using an immersion blender, puree the soup (or you can put it through the fine blade of a food mill or use a regular blender, working in batches and placing a kitchen towel over the top to avoid splashing). Then strain through a medium strainer (this step is important; otherwise the soup will be stringy), using a pestle or the bottom of a ladle to push the soup through. Make sure to scrape the outside of the strainer so that all of the puree goes back into the soup. Return to the pot, stir with a whisk to even out the texture, heat through and season well with salt and pepper.  

4. Ladle the soup into bowls and garnish each bowl with a few thin slices of celery and about 1/4 teaspoon walnut oil. Sprinkle with minced chives or chervil if you wish, and serve.  

Yield: Serves 6 to 8  

Advance preparation: You can make this several hours or even a day ahead. Refrigerate in covered containers. When you reheat, whisk the soup to smooth out the puree (it will separate as it sits).


This is American Celery



1 sm. cabbage, sliced thin

2 c. thinly sliced celery

1 c. coarsely shredded carrots

1/2 c. raisins

2 tbsp. cider vinegar

1/2 tsp. white pepper

1 c. plain low-fat yogurt

1/2 tsp. celery seed


In a large bowl, combine cabbage, celery, carrots, and raisins. Stir together vinegar, pepper, yogurt, and celery seed; pour over vegetables and mix well. Chill. Makes eight servings.

It's a Wonderful Waldorf


Recipe courtesy of Alton Brown from Food network: 


Serves: 4 to 6 servings  



2 Ginger Gold apples ( Fuji will substitute)

1 Red Delicious apple

3 tablespoons cider vinegar

1 cup prepared mayonnaise

1 pinch kosher salt

Cracked black pepper

3/4 cup toasted walnuts, crushed

1 cup golden raisins

2 teaspoons curry powder

2 stalks celery, thin bias cut

1/3 cup fresh mint, chiffonade 

1/2 red onion, julienned

1 head romaine lettuce, heart only


Cut apples in half and remove the core with a melon baller. Chop apples into medium-sized pieces, leaving skin on. 

In a bowl, toss apples with the cider vinegar. Fold in mayonnaise thoroughly. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Fold in walnuts, raisins, curry powder, celery, mint and red onion. Adjust seasoning. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour to allow flavors to incorporate. To serve, arrange 2 leaves of romaine lettuce per plate and spoon salad on top.



french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The avocado (Persea americana) is a tree native to the Caribbean, Mexico, South America and Central America, classified in the flowering plant family Lauraceae along with cinnamon, camphor and bay laurel. The name "avocado" also refers to the fruit (technically a large berry that contains a large seed) of the tree, which may be egg-shaped or spherical.

Avocados are a commercially valuable fruit and are cultivated in tropical climates throughout the world (and some temperate ones, such as California), producing a green-skinned, pear-shaped fruit that ripens after harvesting. Trees are partially self-pollinating and often are propagated through grafting to maintain a predictable quality and quantity of the fruit. Avocados are perennial.

Refer to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avocado


Guacamole Recipe: 

* 4 ripe, avocados, peeled and pitted
* juice of 2 lemons
* 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
* 1/4 cup onion, diced (use red onion if available)
* 2 teaspoons garlic, minced
* 1 tomato, diced
* 5 jalapeno chiles, minced and seeded
* 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
* Salt to taste
* dash of Chili powder

1. In a large bowl, combine lemon juice with avocados and mash coarsely with a fork.
2. Add all the remaining ingredients to the avocado mixture, stirring until well combined.
3. Refrigerate for 30 minutes prior to serving.

This is good party food, usually we serve with tortilla chips. 

You can also refer the following: 


California Roll:

1 cup (230g) prepared sushi rice (see below)
½ avocado
4 crab sticks (or real king crab or jumbo lump crab meat for a luxury California roll)
½ cucumber (preferably a kirby)
1 sheet dried nori seaweed
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
For a spicy California roll, add a few drops of hot pepper sauce to the mayonnaise

Cut the peeled and pitted avocado and the peeled cucumber in quarters lengthwise.
Spread the sushi rice over the sheet of seaweed, and sprinkle the sesame seeds over the surface.
If you don’t have a bamboo rolling mat, place a sheet of plastic wrap on the worktop, and turn the layer of seaweed and sushi rice upside down flat on the the plastic wrap so that the seaweed ends up on top.
Place the avocado, cucumber and crab sticks evenly down the center, and coat the filling with mayonnaise. Roll the layer up from one edge, and slice the roll into 8 pieces.

How To Make Sushi Rice

To cook sushi rice, it is important to remember that the rice should be cooked with less water than usual, and vinegar added to it while hot. Here is how to cook the perfect sushi rice.

2 cups (450g) Japanese rice
2¾ cups (630ml) water
1.5" x 1" piece dried konbu (seaweed, optional, for umami flavor)
1/2 cup (100 ml) rice wine vinegar
2½ tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt

Wash the rice and cook in water with konbu.
Make the vinegar solution. Put the pan on low heat and heat until the sugar dissolves. Cool the vinegar mixture.
When cooked, spread the hot rice in a flat-bottomed bowl or glass baking dish (the Japanese use a special wooden bowl called a sushi-oke). Sprinkle the vinegar mixture over the rice and fold swiftly with a spatula. Be careful not to mash the rice—just allow the vinegar mixture to come into contact with all of the grains. Move the spatula as if scooping the rice rather than blending it.
Cool the rice swiftly using a paper fan, and gently turn the rice with the spatula. Fanning the rice prevents it from becoming overly sticky, and also adds luster. Use sushi rice immediately—don’t store it in the refrigerator. Cover it with a damp cloth if you won’t be using it for 10 minutes or more, to prevent it from drying out.


You can also refer  the following:

How to make an inside out California roll

Enjoy your summer with Avocado!!!!

french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Just read one article about man's health for your reference: 


       美國《男性健康雜誌(Men's Health)》調查發現,有三分之一的男人胸痛、呼吸急促不會去看醫生,偏偏這兩種症狀都是美國第一大殺手──心臟病的警訊。  

       「美國男性健康連線(Men's Health Network)」成員伯罕敏(Jean Bonhomme)醫師就舉例,「如果你20歲時不檢查膽固醇、30歲時不檢查血壓、40歲時不檢查血糖,你能期待50歲發生什麼事?」  


















































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English cucumber mint soup

Cold soups like this one are welcome refreshers in the summer months. Garnish with a bit of crumbled feta or goat cheese, if you like. To lighten the soup, substitute low-fat sour cream for regular.



1 1/2 cups nonfat plain yogurt

1/2 cup sour cream

1/3 cup mint leaves, plus a few extra sprigs for garnish

1/4 cup flat-leaf parsley leaves

3 green onions, trimmed and roughly chopped

2 English cucumbers, peeled, and seeded and roughly chopped

1 clove garlic, roughly chopped

Salt and white pepper to taste





Put all of the ingredients into a blender and purée until smooth. Transfer to a bowl, cover and chill for at least 2 hours. Ladle into bowls and serve, garnished with sprigs of mint.



Per serving (about 7oz/214g-wt.): 120 calories (45 from fat), 5g total fat, 3.5g saturated fat, 20mg cholesterol, 360mg sodium, 12g total carbohydrate (1g dietary fiber, 7g sugar), 6g protein


Tags: No Cook, Make Ahead, Family Friendly, Wheat Free, Vegetarian, Gluten Free

Quoted from Whole foods Market 



Cucumbers Vinaigrette



Cucumbers tossed with a vinaigrette can be ordinary, but if you slice the cucumbers paper-thin, the dish is memorable. I first ate cucumbers prepared this way on a balcony in Lake Como , Italy . It was my first day in Europe , on my first trip, and I was 15. The recollection is still vivid.


1 1/2 pounds cucumbers, peeled if waxed and sliced very thin


3 tablespoons champagne vinegar


1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard (more to taste)


Salt and freshly ground pepper


1/4 cup canola oil


2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


Optional: finely chopped fresh parsley, dill or chives


1 shallot, minced


1. If using regular cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds with a small spoon. Slice paper-thin. (English cucumbers and Persian cucumbers can just be sliced paper-thin without removing the seeds.) Place the cucumbers in a bowl.


2. In a small bowl or measuring cup, combine the vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper and whisk together. Whisk in the canola oil and the olive oil. Toss with the cucumbers, along with any of the optional ingredients. Taste and adjust seasonings. Serve right away, or refrigerate for up to 30 minutes and serve.


Yield: Serves six.


Advance preparation: You can make this up to 30 minutes before serving. If the cucumbers sit for too long, the dressing will become watery. If this happens, adjust seasoning, or use a slotted spoon to serve.


Nutritional information per serving: 139 calories; 14 grams fat; 1 gram saturated fat; 0 milligrams cholesterol; 3 grams carbohydrates; 1 gram dietary fiber; 11 milligrams sodium (does not include salt added during cooking); 1 gram protein


Martha Rose Shulman can be reached at martha-rose-shulman.com.



Halibut With Cucumbers and Dill



When I lived in France , I made this dish with sole, but Atlantic sole is no longer an eco-friendly choice. If you live in California and can get sand dabs, they make a good substitute, as does Pacific halibut.


2 medium cucumbers, peeled if waxed, or 1 European seedless cucumber


3 tablespoons chopped fresh dill


Salt and freshly ground pepper


1 1/2 pounds Pacific halibut fillets or sand dabs


2 large garlic cloves, minced


1 or 2 shallots, minced (optional)


1/4 cup fresh lemon juice


1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil


1/4 cup dry white wine


1. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. If using regular cucumbers, cut in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds and slice thin. If using a European cucumber, just slice thin. Oil a baking dish large enough to accommodate the fish fillets in one layer. Cut a piece of parchment the size of the baking dish, and set it aside. Line the baking dish with half of the cucumber slices. Sprinkle on 1 tablespoon of the dill and salt and pepper lightly.


2. Rinse the fish fillets, and pat dry. With the tip of a sharp knife, score them on the diagonal a few times (this prevents them from curling when they cook). Lay on top of the cucumbers. Salt and pepper lightly, and sprinkle on the garlic and shallot. Sprinkle with another tablespoon of the dill, and drizzle on half the lemon juice and the olive oil. Top with the remaining cucumbers. Add the remaining lemon juice, and sprinkle the remaining dill over the top layer of cucumbers. Add the white wine, and cover with the parchment. Cover the dish tightly with foil, and place in the oven. Bake 10 to 15 minutes until the fish is opaque and pulls apart when stuck with a fork.


3. Remove from the oven, let sit for a few minutes and then serve from the baking dish, spooning some of the liquid from the baking dish over the top.


Yield: Serves four.


Advance preparation: If you wish, you can assemble the dish ahead of time, but don’t add the lemon juice or wine. Cover with plastic, and refrigerate for one hour or longer. When ready to bake, add the lemon juice and wine.


Nutritional information per serving: 245 calories; 7 grams fat; 1 gram saturated fat; 54 milligrams cholesterol; 4 grams carbohydrates; 1 gram dietary fiber; 95 milligrams sodium (does not include salt added during cooking); 36 grams protein


Martha Rose Shulman can be reached at martha-rose-shulman.com.

Iranian Tomato and Cucumber Salad



This is adapted from a recipe in the Iranian cookbook “New Food of Life,” by Najmieh Batmanglij. The emphasis here is as much on fresh herbs as on tomatoes and cucumbers.


3 Persian cucumbers, or 1 long European cucumber (or if neither is available, 2 regular cucumbers)


1 pound ripe tomatoes


2 tablespoons fresh lime juice


Salt to taste


1 garlic clove, mashed to a puree with 1/4 teaspoon salt


Freshly ground pepper


1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil


2 scallions, chopped


4 radishes, thinly sliced


1 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley


1/4 cup chopped fresh mint


1/4 cup chopped cilantro


1. If using seedless cucumbers (Persian or European), cut in 3/4-inch dice. If using regular cucumbers, peel, if waxed, and cut in half lengthwise. Using a small spoon, scrape out the seeds and discard. Cut the cucumbers into 3/4-inch dice. Place in a large bowl with the tomatoes.


2. Whisk together the lime juice, garlic, pepper and olive oil. Toss with the cucumbers and tomatoes. Add the remaining ingredients, and toss everything together thoroughly. Taste, adjust seasonings and serve.


Yield: Serves four.


Advance preparation: You can make this a couple of hours ahead, but don’t salt or toss until you serve it.


Nutritional information per serving: 169 calories; 14 grams fat; 2 grams saturated fat; 0 milligrams cholesterol; 10 grams carbohydrates; 3 grams dietary fiber; 170 milligrams sodium (does not include salt added during cooking); 2 grams protein


Martha Rose Shulman can be reached at martha-rose-shulman.com.

Also refer to:














french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When the sun shines and everyone is looking for easy summer food, what could be easier and more delicious, than berry recipes which make the most of summer fruit. Berries are abundant across British and Irish food; from the earliest spring strawberries, through to autumnal sloes it a pure symphony of colour, taste and texture. Most berries preserve well, either as a whole fruit or in compotes, jams, jellies or preserved in vinegars or alcohol, so summer sunshine is available throughout the year. This collection of berry recipes will be updated throughout the season, please keep checking back.

Berry Sorbet - Berry Sorbet Recipe

Make the most of delicious summer berries with a super, simple and delicious Berry Sorbet. The Berry Sorbet Recipe uses liquid glucose, available from supermarkets or a pharmacy, the liquid glucose helps prevent the sorbet from freezing into a hard, solid mass.

Use any berry -blackberry, strawberry, raspberry or summer currants, blackcurrants are intense in flavor and make a particularly good sorbet. The choice is yours.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
8 oz/225g fine or caster sugar
7fl oz/200ml boiling water
1lb 10oz/750g berries or currants
2 tsp liquid glucose
juice 1 lemon
Place the sugar into a large saucepan, pour the boiling water over and stir until the sugar has dissolved.
Add the fruit and glucose syrup and poach over a gentle heat for 5 minutes.
Pour the contents of the pan into a food processor and blitz, then pass the liquid through a fine sieve rubbing with the back of a spoon to push the fruit pulp through but remove any skin or pips. Add the lemon juice.
Pour the fruit into a shallow freezer container and freeze. You will need to beat the mixture in the container three or four times as it freezes solid. Once frozen, cover and keep in the freezer until required. Remove the sorbet from the freezer for 10 minutes before serving.

Gooseberry Recipes - Gooseberry Fool Recipe

Fat, hairy, tart green gooseberries are transformed into sweetness and light in a Gooseberry Fool recipe. Cooked with a little sugar then stirred into thick, creamy custard and whipped cream delicious.

This recipe for Gooseberry Fool is so quick and easy, it is no wonder it is a favourite summer dessert.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Yield: 4 Servings
1 quantity of gooseberry compote
10 ½ oz/300g custard sauce or ready made custard
1 cup/ 220ml whipping cream, whipped to soft peaks
Put the gooseberry compote into a large bowl
Add the custard and stir gently. Do not over stir.
Fold the whipped cream into the gooseberry and custard mix. Again do not over stir, there should be pockets of each ingredient, not a smooth blend.
Divide between 4 glasses and serve.

Jelly - Strawberry Jelly Recipe

Everyone loves jelly as a summer dessert, especially a fresh strawberry jelly and with this strawberry jelly recipe you can see how easy it is to make.
Prep Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
1 cup/ 200g fine/caster sugar
1 pint/ 600ml water
1 lb/500g fresh strawberries, washed and hull removed
¼ oz/ 11g powdered gelatin
Method To make the jelly, place the sugar and water in a large saucepan and bring to the boil. Boil for five minutes then leave to cool.
Meanwhile take 4 or 5 of the fresh strawberries and keep to one side.
Pulp the remaining strawberries with a hand blender. Place the strawberry pulp into a large basin and pour over the sugar and water syrup. Cover with a clean cloth and leave to infuse for thirty minutes.
Once cool, pass the mixture through a fine sieve to remove any of the strawberry pulp and seeds. Keep to one side.
Place ¼ cup of cold water into a small dish, sprinkle the powdered gelatin into the water and leave untouched for five minutes.
Heat one cup of the strawberry and sugar syrup in a small saucepan. Add the powdered gelatin and the water, simmer very gently (do not allow to boil) until the gelatin has completely dissolved. Stir the dissolved gelatin into the strawberry liquid.
Fill a 1½ pint jelly mould with the strawberry liquid. Place into the refrigerator and leave to set.
To Serve: Decorate with the remaining strawberries and serve with fresh cream, ice cream or as desired.

English Summer Pudding - Summer Pudding Recipe

When there is an abundance of summer berry fruits one of the best ways of serving them is in an English Summer Pudding. A Summer Pudding Recipe is quick, easy and so delicious; all the tastes of summer in one dish.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
2 tbsp water
5oz / 150g sugar
1lb/450g washed, mixed summer fruits as available - see note below
4 - 6oz/100 -150g thin sliced white bread, crusts removed
Whipped cream or custard sauce
Soft summer fruits suitable for Summer Pudding must have a rich, strong, color and flavor. Great berries to use include raspberries, strawberries, red and blackcurrants, damsons and blackberries. Stir the water and sugar together and bring to a gentle boil. Add the berries and fruits and stew very gently until softened but still retain their shape.
Line a 1½ pint pudding basin with the bread slices ensuring there are no gaps. Fill with the stewed fruits and cover the top with more bread slices.
Place a saucer with a weight on top (a can of tomatoes or beans is ideal) and leave overnight in a cool place.
The next day, before serving, turn the pudding out onto a plate and serve with the whipped cream or custard sauce.

more detail see the following web site: 


french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Fresh chilled salad is always good for the summer time. 

Just read this fresh healthy recipe in NYT, copy it for your reference. 

If difficult to find the feda cheese in Taiwan, just put fresh Tofu as substitute ingredient. 


Spinach Salad With Tomatoes, Cucumber and Feta



For this salad I toss the tomatoes, onion, cucumber and pepper with the herbs and half the dressing in a separate bowl, then I toss everything together with the spinach. This draws out juices from the tomato and, to a lesser extent, the cucumber; the juices contribute lots of flavor to the salad.


1/2 small red onion, sliced (optional)


6 ounces baby spinach


1 pound tomatoes, cut in wedges or diced


1 small cucumber, cut in half lengthwise, then sliced


8 calamata olives, pitted and cut in half lengthwise


1 green or red pepper, thinly sliced


2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill


1 tablespoon chopped fresh mint


2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice


Salt to taste


5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


2 ounces feta cheese, cut in small dice or crumbled


1. Place the onion in a bowl, cover with cold water and let sit for five minutes. Drain, rinse and dry on paper towels. (The reason for soaking the onion is to wash away some of the compounds that cause the onion flavor to linger in your mouth.) Combine with the tomatoes, cucumber, olives, pepper, dill and mint in a large bowl.


2. Mix together the lemon juice, salt and olive oil. Toss half of the dressing with the tomato mixture and half with the spinach. Combine everything in one bowl, add the feta, toss together thoroughly and serve.


Yield: Serves six.


Advance preparation: You can prepare the ingredients and dressing several hours before you toss the salad. Keep them in the refrigerator.


Nutritional information per serving: 167 calories; 15 grams fat; 3 grams saturated fat; 8 milligrams cholesterol; 7 grams carbohydrates; 2 grams dietary fiber; 215 milligrams sodium (does not include salt added during preparation); 3 grams protein


Martha Rose Shulman can be reached at martha-rose-shulman.com.




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洋蔥 過去我們只知道洋蔥具有殺菌以及增加免疫力的效果,



★ 保骨力 阻止鈣質流失。

★ 食用注意事項 洋蔥內有揮發性硫化物,食用過量可能會有脹氣的情況。

★ 選購與保存 選購時應該選擇球體完整、外觀沒有腐爛、傷痕、龜裂者為佳。

★ 保存方面 沒去皮的洋蔥不耐寒,擺在陰涼的通風處保存即可,如果是切開過的洋蔥,則宜放在冰箱冷藏,並且盡速食用


茭白筍 美人腿 其實是病態莖 許多人看到筊白筍上的黑點會挑過不吃,以為是壞了,其實這些小黑點正是茭白筍可以抗骨鬆的重點,這些黑點是一種名為「菰黑穗菌」的真菌類,對於一些代謝有正面的效果,可以延緩骨質的老化。

★ 保骨力 延緩骨質老化。

★ 注意事項 筊白筍為涼性蔬菜,女性經期前後與體虛患者不宜食用;此外,筊白筍也有豐富草酸鹽,腎功能衰退、泌尿道結石患者需禁食。  

★ 選購與保存 飽滿的筊白筍代表水分充足,筍身直、筍皮光滑的的筊白筍筍肉較嫩,如果是筍身扁瘦、彎曲、形狀不完整的則口感較差;另外,頂端筍殼過綠或是筍白部分為青綠色的,代表筊白筍已經老化,口感不佳。

★ 保存方面 如果不是馬上烹調,建議買回來時不要剝掉外殼,先用報紙包住再套入塑膠袋後放入冰箱,約可保存四天。

  吃蔬  抗骨鬆高手三:

高麗菜 高麗菜因為營養價值有如菜中的高麗參而得名。

高麗菜之 所以有抗骨鬆的效果來自當中的維生素K,骨骼的保健除了需要鈣質之外,



As I always believe that the most beautiful and precious thing is just so easy to reach. 

We do not need any expensive imported food to help us maintain our health. 

Simplicity is the best solution for all of us! 

Have a nice day!

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紅棗        十八粒

火巷         三十公分 長(鮮品)

半枝蓮       一兩 (重症一兩半)

白花蛇舌草  二兩 (重症 四兩 )

蒲公英       二兩 (重症 三兩 )






















一直到有一次房間同時出現二位裝扮 時髦的 女士,而且停留約十五分鐘後,父親起身呼喊鄰房的母親無效後,他才開始相信他所見是真的。







(1)         常常佈施捐善款,功德迴向給爸爸及他的冤親債主。

(2)         助印長壽經數百本,並親自散發流通,以期消除父親業障,並增加父親壽命,功德迴向父親及他的冤親債主。

(3)         只要參與任何佛教渚動,如法會等,均將功德迴向父親及其冤親債主。

(4)         買鳥、買魚放生,將放生物在父親面前放出,由父親自己操作,並將功德迴向父親及其冤親債主。

(5)         唸地藏王菩薩本願功德經一百部以上,請地藏王菩薩度化該冤親債主。

(6)         由媽媽唸佛號一百萬遍以上,將念佛功德迴向父親及其冤親債主離苦得樂。

(7)         向佛菩薩求藥方。




本藥方曾於 民國六十六年十月二十五日 刊載於中國時報第七版。



紅棗       18

火巷       30公分長(鮮品)

半枝蓮     1(重症1兩半)

白花蛇舌草 2兩 (重症4兩 )

蒲公英     2(重症 3


























中華民國九十七年七月         許緯濠


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來杯雞尾洒補一補, 總比麻油雞更有力!

煩惱丟╴旁, 明天再說!

Strawberry Margarita

(馬可立脫, 是很受歡迎的雞尾酒, 主要的成份是墨西哥的tequila 酒)

Recipe courtesy Guy Fieri (Food network cooking star and TV host)

Prep Time:
2 min
Inactive Prep Time:

4 rocks glasses

2 cups crushed ice
1/2 cup strawberry puree (frozen can or fresh strawberries, pureed)
1 cup tequila
2 limes, juiced
Splash Triple Sec
Splash simple syrup (equal amounts sugar and water heated until sugar dissolves, then cooled)

Combine in a blender, ice, strawberry water, tequila, lime juice, Triple Sec and simple syrup. Puree until smooth. Pour into rocks glasses and serve.

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這又是一道清爽可口的素食, 吃葷者可加雞肉丁或是其他肉類.

Quoted from NY Times

March 24, 2010
Spaghetti With Edamame, Parsley, Garlic and Olive Oil

This is a quick pasta to throw together if you have frozen shelled edamame or peas in your freezer, and it’s a dish that I find irresistible. You can find frozen edamame at most supermarkets; the green soybeans are a terrific source of protein and isoflavones. Seek out organic edamame.

The pasta company Barilla is now making a mixed semolina and whole grain pasta called Barilla Plus that combines a grain and legume flour blend with the traditional semolina. It’s a little more expensive than regular pasta, but you’ll get more nutrition for your buck. The other ingredients here are not at all pricey. If you can’t find the whole grain pasta, this is still an easy, inexpensive and nutritious dish.

1 large garlic clove, finely minced (more to taste)

Leaves from 1 bunch parsley

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1 1/3 cups frozen shelled edamame, preferably organic, or frozen peas

3/4 pound whole grain spaghetti if available, or regular spaghetti

1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan (optional)

1. Begin heating a large pot of water for the pasta. Meanwhile, turn on a food processor fitted with the steel blade, and drop in the garlic. When it’s chopped and adhering to the sides of the bowl, stop the machine and scrape down the bowl with a spatula. Add the parsley to the bowl, and process until finely chopped. With the machine running, drizzle in the olive oil. Transfer the mixture to a large pasta bowl. (You can also use a mini-chop for this task.)

2. When the water in the pot comes to a boil, salt generously, add the edamame or peas and cook five minutes. Remove from the pot with a strainer or a slotted spoon, and place in the bowl with the parsley.

3. Add the spaghetti to the boiling water, and cook al dente following the timing instructions on the package. Checking for doneness about a minute before the stated cooking time. When the pasta is cooked, remove 1/2 cup of the cooking water and add to the bowl with the herbs and edamame or peas. Drain the pasta, and toss with the mixture in the bowl. Add Parmesan if desired, and serve.

Yield: Serves four.

Advance preparation: This isn’t a dish to do in advance, but the whole thing can be made while you’re waiting for the water to boil.

Martha Rose Shulman can be reached at martha-rose-shulman.com.

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簡單又消素的沙拉, 試著親自下廚, 用愛心服伺家人!!!!

Quoted from "Whole Foods Market"  one of the biggest natural organic food market. 

The young people call it as "Whole paycheck market" Since its price is higher than regular supermarket. 

However the quality of the food is very good! 

If you can not find the goat cheese, use swiss chess or feda is OK too. 

If you don't like cheese, just use diced firm tofu.

Serves 4

This baby spinach salad is dressed in a homemade raspberry vinaigrette and tossed with fresh strawberries, almonds and creamy goat cheese. What could be more easy and delightful?

1/2 shallot, finely chopped
2 tablespoons raspberry vinegar
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/2 pound baby spinach
1 cup strawberries, thinly sliced
1/3 cup sliced almonds, toasted
2 ounces fresh goat cheese, crumbled

In a large bowl, whisk together shallot and vinegar. While whisking constantly, drizzle in oil to make a vinaigrette. Add spinach, strawberries, almonds and goat cheese and gently toss to combine. Serve immediately.

Per serving (about 4oz/122g-wt.): 180 calories (120 from fat), 13g total fat, 3.5g saturated fat, 5mg cholesterol, 140mg sodium, 11g total carbohydrate (4g dietary fiber, 2g sugar), 6g protein

Tags: Family Friendly, American, Sugar Conscious, Vegetarian, Low Sodium

Note: We've provided special diet and nutritional information for educational purposes. But remember — we're cooks, not doctors! You should follow the advice of your health-care provider. And since product formulations change, check product labels for the most recent ingredient information. See our Terms of Service.

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他是美國最老的工作者, 他的故事溫馨又感人. 

此篇送給一些盡忠職守, 孜汶不倦的上班族!

Quoted from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Waldo_McBurney

Ralph Waldo McBurney (October 3, 1902 — July 8, 2009), usually known as Waldo, was said to be the oldest worker in the United States. Until a relatively short time before his death at age 106, he lived and worked as a beekeeper in the city of Quinter, Kansas. Although he was born in Quinter and had lived in the Quinter area for many years,he had also lived near the Kansas cities of Sterling and Beloit. In his last years, he was recognized nationwide for his longevity.

He was the third of six children born to George R. and Mary B. (Huston) McBurney. After two years at Sterling College, he transferred to the Kansas State Agricultural College (now Kansas State University), from which he graduated in 1927. Two years later, he married the former Irene Spear; together, they had three children. After her death in 1960, he married the former Vernice Forman in 1962, twelve years younger than he; she is still living. He suffered a heart attack in 1994, but continued competing afterward. He died at the Gove County Medical Center in Quinter on July 8, 2009.]

Although he himself was not a minister, both his father and his son Kenneth McBurney (still living) have been ministers in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, in which he was an elder. His father, too, was long-lived, being the oldest minister in the denomination at his death.

In October 2006, McBurney was recognized as the oldest worker in America by Experience Works.As a result, he was featured in newspapers nationwide and on the CBS television program Assignment America. He is also a past recipient of the "Hometown Health Hero" award given by the Governor of Kansas.

CBS reference: 


(CBS) If you drive into Quinter, Kan., and ask anyone, "Where's Waldo?" they'll tell you he's at work, of course.

Ralph Waldo McBurney still goes to work at his honey business every day, CBS News correspondent Steve Hartman reports in this week's Assignment America. Unfortunately, summer is bee season, so things aren't exactly buzzing now. But the mere fact that he shows up at all earned him the title "America's Oldest Worker," an honor recently bestowed on him at a ceremony in Washington.

Waldo is 104 years old, and has a driver's license to prove it. It doesn't expire until 2010.

"The license may last longer than I do," he says.

Don't count on it. Ralph Waldo McBurney has already outlived even his gravestone's expectations. Written on his headstone is "1902-19--."

"I'm just going to let somebody else worry about that," he explains with a laugh.

Waldo says he's still here because he never smoke or drank and always ate his vegetables. And, perhaps there's another secret to his longevity: He keeps very busy.

He even wrote a book. It's a self-published autobiography called "My First 100 Years." During the off-season for honey, he keeps buys signing every single copy and mailing every single order, which isn't easy. When you're 104, sometimes getting off the porch isn't easy.

But Waldo insists on staying active, basically because it beats the alternative — hiring a stone mason. Or, as Waldo put it, "Use it or lose it!"

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西蘭花, 白豆拌麵

這是一道清爽又健康的素簡小食, 當午餐最何適. 

吃葷食的, 可以加雞胸肉或是魚, 蝦類. 

自從變成全職煮婦, 外食以漸遠離, 自煮自烹非常愉快!!!!!


March 23, 2010
Pasta With Broccoli and Chickpeas

Broccoli is an affordable vegetable, packed with nutrients and available in most supermarkets. To save on pasta, buy big bags of it at package stores. The Parmesan, the priciest part of the recipe, is optional.

1 pound broccoli, broken into florets, the stems peeled and cut in small dice


2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 garlic cloves, minced

1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)

1 1/2 cups cooked chickpeas, or 1 (15-ounce) can, drained and rinsed

3/4 pound fusilli, bow-ties or orecchiette

1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan (optional)

1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Fill a bowl with ice water. Meanwhile, prepare the broccoli, and separate the stems and the florets. When the water comes to a boil, salt generously and add the broccoli stems. Boil for five minutes and then remove from the water with a slotted spoon. Add the florets, and boil for three minutes. Transfer to the ice water, drain and chop medium-fine, so that some of the florets are falling apart. Return the pot to the heat.

2. Heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a wide, heavy skillet over medium heat. Add the garlic and red pepper flakes (if using), and cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Stir in the broccoli florets and the stems, season with salt and cook, stirring, until nicely seasoned and coated with the oil, just a minute or two. Add the chickpeas, and stir everything together.

3. Bring the pot of water back to a boil, and add the pasta. Cook al dente, following timing instructions on the package but checking to see if the pasta is done about a minute before the stated time. Add 1/2 cup of the pasta cooking water to the pan with the broccoli. Drain the pasta, and toss at once with the broccoli mixture and another tablespoon of olive oil. If desired, sprinkle on the Parmesan. Serve at once.

Note: If you can’t find chickpeas, substitute another type of bean, like white beans, kidney beans or red beans. If you can’t find fresh broccoli, substitute frozen.

Yield: Four generous servings.

Advance preparation: You can make the topping a few hours before cooking the pasta and hold it on top of the stove.

Martha Rose Shulman can be reached at martha-rose-shulman.com.

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Hi EM and others: 

How about this Salsa winner? 

We all much younger than her. 

Let's move around and dance always! 

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Let's try Cha Cha Cha this week. 

Donny Osmond won the 2009 Dancing with Stars final season. 

Share with you. 

Have a great time!

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Japanese red crown crane dance 

Try to dance with your partner in this way to improve your love. 

Can you? Can you?

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