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祝 快快樂樂出門, 平平安安回家!!!

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Location:    Mill Run, Pennsylvania

Nearest city:         Pittsburgh

Built: 1936 - 1939

Architect:    Frank Lloyd Wright



The home was built partly over a waterfall on Bear Run in the Mill Run section of Stewart Township, Fayette County, Pennsylvania, in the Laurel Highlands of the Allegheny Mountains.



The home and guest house cost $155,000, broken down as follows: house $75,000, finishing and furnishing $22,000, guest house, garage and servants' quarters $50,000, architect's fee $8,000.


According to the westegg.com inflation calculator, the total project price of $155,000.00 is the equivalent of approximately $2.4 million in 2009. A more accurate reflection of the relative cost of the project in its time is that the cost of restoration alone in 2002 was reported at $11.4 million.

Use of the house:

Fallingwater was the family's weekend home from 1937 to 1963. In 1963, Kaufmann, Jr. donated the property to the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. In 1964, it was opened to the public as a museum. Nearly six million people have visited the house as of January 2008. Despite its location in a remote corner of Pennsylvania (two hours' drive from Pittsburgh ), the house currently hosts more than 120,000 visitors each year.

Hailed by Time shortly after its completion as Wright's "most beautiful job", it is also listed among Smithsonian's Life List of 28 places "to visit before you die."[4] It was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1966. In 1991, members of the American Institute of Architects named the house the "best all-time work of American architecture" and in 2007, it was ranked twenty-ninth on the list of America's Favorite Architecture according to the AIA.

Please also review the following film: 



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Patrick Blanc (born June 3, 1953 in Paris) is a botanist, working at the French National Centre for Scientific Research, where he specializes in plants from subtropical forests. He invented the concept of a vertical garden.

On a load-bearing wall or structure is placed a metal frame that supports a PVC plate 10 millimetres (0.39 in) thick, on which are stapled two layers of polyamide felt each 3 millimetres (0.12 in) thick. These layers mimic cliff-growing mosses and are support the roots of many plants. A network of pipes controlled by valves provides a nutrient solution containing dissolved minerals needed for plant growth. The felt is soaked by capillary action with this nutrient solution, which flows down the wall by gravity. The roots of the plants take up the nutrients they need, and excess water is collected at the bottom of the wall by a gutter before being re-injected into the network of pipes: the system works in a closed circuit. Plants are chosen for their ability to grow on this type of environment and depending on available light. ”

his type of achievement shows his ideas as an ecological engineer and the 15th target of the Haute Qualité Environnementale ("High Quality Environment"), though the latter encourages the use of more local species, at least outdoors.

for more details; please refer the following: 


or the power point file as the following: 


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Watch "A Day Made of Glass" and take a look at Corning's vision for the future with specialty glass at the heart of it.



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'We will be able to live to 1,000'

By Dr Aubrey de Grey

University of Cambridge


Life expectancy is increasing in the developed world. But Cambridge University geneticist Aubrey de Grey believes it will soon extend dramatically to 1,000. Here, he explains why.


Ageing is a physical phenomenon happening to our bodies, so at some point in the future, as medicine becomes more and more powerful, we will inevitably be able to address ageing just as effectively as we address many diseases today.


I claim that we are close to that point because of the SENS (Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence) project to prevent and cure ageing.


It is not just an idea: it's a very detailed plan to repair all the types of molecular and cellular damage that happen to us over time.


And each method to do this is either already working in a preliminary form (in clinical trials) or is based on technologies that already exist and just need to be combined.

This means that all parts of the project should be fully working in mice within just 10 years and we might take only another 10 years to get them all working in humans.

When we get these therapies, we will no longer all get frail and decrepit and dependent as we get older, and eventually succumb to the innumerable ghastly progressive diseases of old age.

We will still die, of course - from crossing the road carelessly, being bitten by snakes, catching a new flu variant etcetera - but not in the drawn-out way in which most of us die at present.


“ I think the first person to live to 1,000 might be 60 already ”

So, will this happen in time for some people alive today? Probably. Since these therapies repair accumulated damage, they are applicable to people in middle age or older who have a fair amount of that damage.

I think the first person to live to 1,000 might be 60 already.

It is very complicated, because ageing is. There are seven major types of molecular and cellular damage that eventually become bad for us - including cells being lost without replacement and mutations in our chromosomes.

Each of these things is potentially fixable by technology that either already exists or is in active development.

'Youthful not frail'

The length of life will be much more variable than now, when most people die at a narrow range of ages (65 to 90 or so), because people won't be getting frailer as time passes.

The average age will be in the region of a few thousand years. These numbers are guesses, of course, but they're guided by the rate at which the young die these days.

If you are a reasonably risk-aware teenager today in an affluent, non-violent neighbourhood, you have a risk of dying in the next year of well under one in 1,000, which means that if you stayed that way forever you would have a 50/50 chance of living to over 1,000.

And remember, none of that time would be lived in frailty and debility and dependence - you would be youthful, both physically and mentally, right up to the day you mis-time the speed of that oncoming lorry.

Should we cure ageing?

Curing ageing will change society in innumerable ways. Some people are so scared of this that they think we should accept ageing as it is.

I think that is diabolical - it says we should deny people the right to life.

The right to choose to live or to die is the most fundamental right there is; conversely, the duty to give others that opportunity to the best of our ability is the most fundamental duty there is.

There is no difference between saving lives and extending lives, because in both cases we are giving people the chance of more life. To say that we shouldn't cure ageing is ageism, saying that old people are unworthy of medical care.

Playing God?

People also say we will get terribly bored but I say we will have the resources to improve everyone's ability to get the most out of life.

People with a good education and the time to use it never get bored today and can't imagine ever running out of new things they'd like to do.

And finally some people are worried that it would mean playing God and going against nature. But it's unnatural for us to accept the world as we find it.

Ever since we invented fire and the wheel, we've been demonstrating both our ability and our inherent desire to fix things that we don't like about ourselves and our environment.

We would be going against that most fundamental aspect of what it is to be human if we decided that something so horrible as everyone getting frail and decrepit and dependent was something we should live with forever.

If changing our world is playing God, it is just one more way in which God made us in His image.

Aubrey de Grey leads the SENS project at Cambridge University and also runs the Methuselah Mouse prize for extending age in mice.

Story from BBC NEWS:

“ Nothing in gerontology even comes close to fulfilling the promise of dramatically extended lifespan ”
S Jay Olshansky

“ There is no difference between saving lives and extending lives, because in both cases we are giving people the chance of more life ”

french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Just for your reference: 

He said in 2020; 

EUR will be number 1 economic power in the world;

however,  US will be number 2;  China will be number 3; India will be number 4 and Japan will be number 5.....................

I am not so sure now. mmmmmmmmmmmm

Another film: 

 I had chances to pick up some of his books few year ago. 

I like his books. However some people have some critics against his points of view. 

How about you?

french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Share with you for this recent article from NY Times

For details:


February 15, 2011, 6:07 pm
For Cold Virus, Zinc May Edge Out Even Chicken Soup

Scientists still haven’t discovered a cure for the common cold, but researchers now say zinc may be the next best thing.

A sweeping new review of the medical research on zinc shows that sniffing, sneezing, coughing and stuffy-headed cold sufferers finally have a better option than just tissue and chicken soup. When taken within 24 hours of the first runny nose or sore throat, zinc lozenges, tablets or syrups can cut colds short by an average of a day or more and sharply reduce the severity of symptoms, according to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, a respected medical clearinghouse.

In some of the cited studies, the benefits of zinc were significant. A March 2008 report in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, for example, found that zinc lozenges cut the duration of colds to four days from seven days, and reduced coughing to two days from five.

While the findings are certain to send droves of miserable cold sufferers to the drugstore in search of zinc treatments, the study authors offered no guidance on what type of zinc product to buy. The authors declined to make recommendations about the optimal dose, formulation or duration of zinc use, saying that more work was needed before they could make recommendations.

“Over all, it appears that zinc does have an effect in controlling the common cold,” said Dr. Meenu Singh, the review’s lead author and a professor in the department of pediatrics at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh, India. “But there still needs to be consensus about the dose.”

Zinc experts say that many over-the-counter zinc products may not be as effective as those studied by researchers because commercial lozenges and syrups often are made with different formulations of zinc and various flavors and binders that can alter the effectiveness of the treatment.

“A lot of preparations have added so many things that they aren’t releasing zinc properly,” said Dr. Ananda Prasad, professor in the department of oncology at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit and an early pioneer of research into zinc as an essential mineral. Two of Dr. Prasad’s studies were included in the Cochrane report.

“The public is confused because people have used the wrong dose, they have used the wrong sort of zinc or they have not started the treatment within 24 hours of onset,” he said.

Even so, the new report gives credence to the long-debated theory that zinc can be an effective treatment for colds. While it’s not certain how the mineral curbs colds, it appears to have antiviral properties that prevent the cold virus from replicating or attaching to nasal membranes.

The first study to show that zinc might be a useful treatment for the common cold was published in 1984, but the research was criticized for its poor methods. Since that study, 18 more trials of zinc for colds have been conducted: 11 of them showed it to be a useful treatment, while seven of them showed no benefit, according to the review.

Although a majority of trials have shown some benefit from zinc, many of them have been criticized for failing to “mask” the treatment, meaning the participants most likely knew they were using zinc, which may have skewed the results. At the same time, many of the trials that showed no benefit from zinc have been criticized for using formulations that may have contained ingredients that blunted the effectiveness of zinc.

The Cochrane reviewers selected 15 studies that enrolled a combined 1,360 participants. The studies were all considered to have good methodological quality with a low risk of bias, but they were far from perfect. All the studies compared zinc use with a placebo, but in several studies the zinc users complained about the taste of lozenges, suggesting that some people may have known that they were using zinc rather than a placebo.

Even so, when the data was pooled, the effect shown was strong. The review found that not only did zinc reduce the duration and severity of common cold symptoms, but regular zinc use also worked to prevent colds, leading to fewer school absences and less antibiotic use in children. People who used zinc were also far less likely to have a cold that lasted more than seven days.

The studies used various forms and doses of zinc, including zinc gluconate or zinc acetate lozenges and zinc sulfate syrup, and the dose ranged from 30 to 160 milligrams a day. Several studies in the Cochrane review used zinc acetate lozenges from the Web site ColdCure.com, created by George Eby, the researcher who wrote the first zinc study in 1984.

Dr. Prasad said his studies have used zinc acetate lozenges from ColdCure.com that contained about 13 milligrams of zinc. Study participants took a lozenge every three to four hours during the day for four consecutive days, resulting in a daily dose of 50 to 65 milligrams a day, he said.

Some cold sufferers have been wary about using zinc since the Food and Drug Administration warned consumers to stop using Zicam nasal sprays and swabs, which contain zinc, after numerous reports that some users lost their sense of smell after using the product. The Cochrane report did not review any studies of nasal zinc products.

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From NY Time 2-16-2011

Ecuadorean Villagers May Hold Secret to Longevity

People living in remote villages in Ecuador have a mutation that some biologists say may throw light on human longevity and ways to increase it.

The villagers are very small, generally less than three and a half feet tall, and have a rare condition known as Laron syndrome or Laron-type dwarfism. They are probably the descendants of conversos, Sephardic Jews from Spain and Portugal who were forced to convert to Christianity in the 1490s but were nonetheless persecuted in the Inquisition. They are also almost completely free of two age-related diseases, cancer and diabetes.

A group of 99 villagers with Laron syndrome has been studied for 24 years by Dr. Jaime Guevara-Aguirre, an Ecuadorean physician and diabetes specialist. He discovered them when traveling on horseback to a roadless mountain village. Most such villages are inhabited by Indians, but these were Europeans, with Spanish surnames typical of conversos.

As Dr. Guevara-Aguirre accumulated health data on his patients, he noticed a remarkable pattern: though cancer was frequent among people who did not have the Laron mutation, those who did have it almost never got cancer. And they never developed diabetes, even though many were obese, which often brings on the condition.

“I discovered the population in 1987,” Dr. Guevara-Aguirre said in an interview from Ecuador. “In 1994, I noticed these patients were not having cancer, compared with their relatives. People told me they are too few people to make any assumption. People said, ‘You have to wait 10 years,’ so I waited. No one believed me until I got to Valter Longo in 2005.”

Valter D. Longo, a researcher on aging at the University of Southern California, saw the patients as providing an opportunity to explore in people the genetic mutations that researchers had found could make laboratory animals live much longer than usual.

The Laron patients have a mutation in the gene that makes the receptor for growth hormone. The receptor is a protein embedded in the membrane of cells. Its outside region is recognized by growth hormone circulating through the body; the inside region sends signals through the cell when growth hormone triggers the receptor.

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February is the second month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. It is the shortest month and the only month with fewer than 30 days. The month has 29 days in leap years, when the year number is divisible by four (except for years that are divisible by 100 and not by 400 in the Gregorian calendar). In common years the month has 28 days.

In the Southern Hemisphere, February is the seasonal equivalent of August in the Northern Hemisphere.

February starts on the same day of the week as March and November in common years, and on the same day of the week as August in leap years. February ends on the same day of the week as October every year and January in common years only.

Flower starts to boom. 

Month Long Observances

February is American Heart Month

February is American History Month

February is Black History Month

February is Children's Dental Health Month

February is International Friendship Month

February is National Cherry Month

February is National Embroidery Month

February is National Grapefruit Month

February is National Snack Food Month

February is National Wild Bird Feeding Month

February is Responsible Pet Owners' Month

Feb bird on the snowy branch!

February 1st

Langston Hughes' Birthday
Born in Missouri in 1902.

National Freedom Day

Royal Canadian Mounted Police officially came into existence
In 1920.

February 2nd

Bottle Cap Patented

Dia de la Candelaria
Celebrated in Mexico.

Groundhog Day
Check out my page for this special day!

February 3rd

Chinese New Year
The beginning of the Year of the Rabbit is on February 3rd in 2011. Check out my page for this special day!

Elmo's Birthday
Sesame Street Character. Check out my page for this special day!

The Day the Music Died
On this day in 1959, the plane crash claimed the lives of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, J.P. "Big Bopper" Richardson and the pilot, Roger Peterson.

February 4th

Charles Lindbergh's Birthday
Born in 1902.

Create a Vacuum Day

Rosa Park's Birthday
Born in 1913.

February 5th

Constitution Day in Mexico

Disaster Day

Hank Aaron's Birthday
Born in 1934.

National Weatherperson's Day

Western Monarch Day
This day draws attention to migrating butterfly.

World Nutella Day

For details please refer to: 


Feb in Norway

Events in February

See wikipedia at:


Black History Month (Canada and United States)

LGBT History Month (United Kingdom)

National Bird-Feeding Month

Parent Leadership Month

Aboliltion of Slavery in Mauritius:February 1

St Brigid’s Day: February 1, Ireland

Groundhog Day: February 2, United States and Canada

Imbolc: February 2

Chinese new Year: February 3rd

Independence of Sri Lanka: February 4

1917 Constitution of Mexico: February 5

Waitangi Day in New Zealand: February 6

Slovenian Cultural Holiday: February 8

National Foundation Day in Japan: February 11

Abraham Lincoln's birthday: February 12, United States

Lucia dos Santos died on February 13, 2005, at 97 years old

Valentine's Day: February 14

Saint Valentine's Day Massacre: An infamous mafia attack. February 14

Flag Day of Canada: February 15

Presidents Day (United States, third Monday)

International Mother Language Day: February 21

Independence Day in Saint Lucia: February 22

George Washington's birthday: February 22, United States (often coincides with President's Day, see above)

Flag Day of Mexico: February 24

People Power Revolution (Philippines) February 25

Liberation Day (Kuwait) February 26

Dominican Republic Independence: February 27

Leap Day: February 29 (Every four years, with some exceptions)

National Day of the Sun (in Argentina)

National Wear Red Day (in the US and the UK)

February symbols

Its birth flower is the violet (Viola) and the common primrose (Primula vulgaris).

Its birthstone is the amethyst. It symbolizes piety, humility, spiritual wisdom, and sincerity.

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Vandana Shiva  is a philosopher, environmental activist, and eco feminist.

Shiva, currently based in Delhi, has authored more than 20 books and over 500 papers in leading scientific and technical journals. She received her Ph.D. in the philosophy of science from the University of Western Ontario, Canada, in 1978 with the doctoral dissertation "Hidden variables and locality in quantum theory."

Shiva participated in the nonviolent Chipko movement during the 1970s. The movement, some of whose main participants were women, adopted the approach of forming human circles around trees to prevent their felling.

She is one of the leaders and board members of the International Forum on Globalization, (along with Jerry Mander, Edward Goldsmith, Ralph Nader, Jeremy Rifkin, et al.), and a figure of the global solidarity movement known as the alter-globalization movement.

She has argued for the wisdom of many traditional practices, as is evident from her interview in the book Vedic Ecology (by Ranchor Prime) that draws upon India's Vedic heritage.


In 1993, Vandana received the Right Livelihood Award (also known as the 'Alternative Nobel Prize') "...For placing women and ecology at the heart of modern development discourse."

Other awards she has received include the Global 500 Award of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1993,

and the Earth Day International Award of the United Nations (UN) for her dedicated commitment to the preservation of the planet as demonstrated by her actions, leadership and by setting an example for the rest of the world.

Additional awards include:

Vandana Shiva in Johannesburg, 2002

1993: Order of the Golden Ark, by his Royal Highness Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands for outstanding services to conservation and ecology;

1993: "Global 500 Roll of Honour", by UNEP for outstanding environmental work.

1993: "Earth Day International Award" by Earth Day International for her dedicated commitment to the preservation of he planet as demonstrated by her actions, leadership and the setting of examples for the rest of the world.

1993: "Right Livelihood Award" (Alternative Nobel Prize) for pioneering insights into the social and environmental costs of the dominant development process, and her ability to work with and for local people and communities in the articulation and implementation of alternatives.

1993: "VIDA SANA International Award," Spain for her contribution to Ecology and Food Security.

1995: "Pride of the Doon" Award from Doon Citizen Council, Dehra Dun, India, in recognition of distinguished contributions to the region

1997: The Golden Plant Award (International Award of Ecology), Denmark, for the remarkable contribution for Ecology and Environment;

1997: Alfonso Comin Award, Barcelona, Spain, for important contribution both scientifically and personally to the ecologist and feminist movement in India.

1998: Commemorative Medal by Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of Thailand on the occasion of the Celebration of the 18th World Food Day, organised by FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok;

1998: Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Republic from the International Scientific Committee of the Pio Manzu Centre at Rimini, Italy during the XXIV Pio Manzu International Conference on "The Horizons of Hermes"

2000: Pellegrino Artusi Award, Italy for original contribution to reflections on relations between humans and food

2001: HORIZON 3000 Award of Austria in recognition to rendering useful service for defending Human Rights and Preservation of Peace and for the vision of a world wide fair development in the third millennium

2009: received the Save The World Award

2010: received the Sydney Peace Prize

Also awarded the "John M. Berry Sr. Leadership Award" for dedicated vision and commitment to family farm agriculture; the Special International Literary Prize “Ken Saro Wiwa” awarded by Acquiambiente, Italy for her book Water Wars; the "Reading for the Environment Book Prize" by the German Foundation for the Environment for her book Tomorrow’s Biodiversity

Awarded the Lennon ONO grant for peace by Yoko Ono and Honourable Mayor of Reykjavik. Awarded the Yo Dona Award by Yo Dona Magazine, Spain

The following is about the The Future of Food, she emphasizes the importance of the "SEEDS".

The Future of Food is a 2004 American documentary film which makes an in-depth investigation into unlabelled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have made their way onto grocery stores in the United States for the past decade.

She is a wonderful woman in our time. 

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Cradle to Cradle Design (sometimes abbreviated to C2C, or Cradle 2 Cradle, or in some circles referred to as regenerative) is a biomimetic approach to the design of systems.

It models human industry on nature's processes in which materials are viewed as nutrients circulating in healthy, safe metabolisms. It suggests that industry must protect and enrich ecosystems and nature's biological metabolism while also maintaining safe, productive technical metabolism for the high-quality use and circulation of organic and synthetic materials.

Put simply, it is a holistic economic, industrial and social framework that seeks to create systems that are not just efficient but essentially waste free.

The model in its broadest sense is not limited to industrial design and manufacturing; it can be applied to many different aspects of human civilization such as urban environments, buildings, economics and social systems.

The term 'C2C Certification' is a protected term of the McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry (MBDC) consultants. It is a proprietary system of certification.

The phrase "Cradle to Cradle" itself was coined by Walter R. Stahel in the 1970s, and the current model is based on a system of "lifecycle development" initiated by Michael Braungart and colleagues at the Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency (EPEA) in the 1990s and explored through the publication A Technical Framework for Life-Cycle Assessment.

In partnership with Braungart, William McDonough released the publication Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things in 2002, which is an effective manifesto for Cradle to Cradle Design that gives specific details of how to achieve the model.

The model has been implemented by a number of companies, organisations and governments around the world, predominantly in the European Union, China and the United States. Cradle to Cradle has also been the subject matter of many documentary films, including the critically acclaimed Waste=Food.

Waste = Food (An inspiring documentary on the Cradle to Cradle design concept)

Please visit Google Video and type in Waste = Food, it is 49 minutes documentary film, it is so inspiring. If you can not sleep, you can just review it. 

"An inspiring documentary on the Cradle to Cradle design concept of the chemist Michael Braungart and the architect William McDonough. Winner of the Silver Dragon at the Beijing International Science Film Festival 2006.

OUTLINE: Man is the only creature that produces landfills. Natural resources are being depleted on a rapid scale while production and consumption are rising in nations like China and India.

The waste production world wide is enormous and if we do not do anything we will soon have turned all our resources into one big messy landfill.

But there is hope. The German chemist, Michael Braungart, and the American designer-architect William McDonough are fundamentally changing the way we produce and build.

If waste would become food for the biosphere or the technosphere (all the technical products we make), production and consumption could become beneficial for the planet.

A design and production concept that they call Cradle to Cradle. A concept that is seen as the next industrial revolution.

• Design every product in such a way that at the end of its lifecycle the component materials become a new resource.

• Design buildings in such a way that they produce energy and become a friend to the environment.

Large companies like Ford and Nike are working with McDonough and Braungart to change their production facilities and their products.

They realize that economically seen waste is destruction of capital.

You make something with no value.

Based on their ideas the Chinese government is working towards a circular economy where Waste = Food. An amazing story that will definitely change your way of thinking about production and consumption.

Director Rob van Hattum Research Gijs Meijer Swantee Production Karin Spiegel en Madeleine Somer Editors in Chief Doke Romeijn en Frank Wiering © VPRO 2006 http://www.vpro.nl/programma/tegenlicht/afleveringen/36632706/« "

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Food, Inc. is a 2008 American documentary film directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Robert Kenner.

The film examines corporate farming in the United States, concluding that agribusiness produces food that is unhealthy in a way that is environmentally harmful and abusive of both animals and its employees.

The film is narrated by Michael Pollan and Eric Schlosser. The documentary was criticized by large American corporations engaged in industrial food production.


The film tied for fourth place as best documentary at the 35th Seattle International Film Festival.

The film was nominated for best documentary in the 82nd Academy Awards but lost to The Cove.

Robert Kenner:

Robert Kenner is an American film and television screenwriter, television director, film director, film producer, and television producer.

1984 - 3:15 - The Moment of Truth, in 1984 

 1991 - Lonely Hearts.

1993 - The Lost Fleet of Guadalcanal

1994 - Russia's Last Tsar

1996 - America's Endangered Species: Don't Say Good-bye 

1998 - American Experience 

1998 - Influenza, 1918

1998 - John Brown's Holy War (about abolitionist John Brown) in 2001.

War Letters

 The Road to Memphis for the 2003

The Blues

2006 - Two Days in October-  The film, which is based on David Maraniss' book They Marched into Sunlight, looks at the parallels between a Viet Cong ambush of a U.S. Army patrol (and the subsequent cover-up of the loss by the American military) and a violent clash between police and student protesters at the University of Wisconsin–Madison—events which occurred 24 hours apart in October 1967.[12] The episode was nominated for and won the award for Exceptional Merit in Nonfiction Filmmaking at the 2006 Emmy Awards.

In 2008, Kenner produced and directed the documentary film, Food, Inc., which examines large-scale agricultural food production in the United States, concluding that the meat and vegetables produced by this type of economic enterprise leads to inexpensive but environmentally harmful and unhealthy food.

Michael Pollan  is an American author, journalist, activist, and professor of journalism at the University of California, Berkeley. 


(1991). Second Nature: A Gardener's Education. 

(1997). Place of My Own: The Education of an Amateur Builder

(2001). The Botany of Desire: A Plant's-Eye View of the World

(2006). The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. 

(2008). In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto

 (2009). Food Rules: An Eater's Manual. 

Eric Schlosser  is an American journalist and author known for investigative journalism, such as in his books Fast Food Nation, Reefer Madness and Chew On This


Fast Food Nation, an exposé on the unsanitary and discriminatory practices of the fast food industry. Fast Food Nation evolved from a two-part article in Rolling Stone. Schlosser helped adapt his book into a 2006 film directed by Richard Linklater. The film opened November 19, 2006. Schlosser is credited as co-screenwriter and executive producer. He has written Chew On This (2006, with Charles Wilson).

He has also written the 2003 book Reefer Madness, a three part book that discusses the history and current trade of marijuana, the use of migrant workers in California strawberry fields, and the American pornography industry and its history.

He is currently at work on a book on nuclear weapons and another book on America's prison system which has been nearly 10 years in the making.[2]

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             永遠的他鄉 高更展

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保羅.高更(Paul Gauguin)是知名法國印象派畫家,在1882年開始專職從事藝術創作,之後多次前往法國布列塔尼半島的小漁村作畫。高更被當地原始人文特色吸引,走出獨特的色彩鮮豔、線條鮮明的構圖特色。主辦單位台北市立美術館特別向8個國家共17個單位借件集展,此次展出58件高更作品,以及同時期受高更影響的藝術家作品28件,共86件。本次展期將從11/27展至明年2/20「永遠的他鄉-高更」展: 展覽介紹 作品介紹:馬丁尼克風景三個大溪地人阿爾風景 坎培爾水罐葛羅奈克的饗宴丁香花

永遠的他鄉-高更」展 展覽介紹HiNet /  2010/11/24

轉載自: http://times.hinet.net/times/article.do?newsid=4349039&isGraphArticle=true&option=recreation


高更、梵谷及塞尚合稱「後印象主義三傑」,高更雖被譽為梵谷的精神對手,但創作數量相較稀少,現存高更作品分散於世界各地之博物館或為私人所收藏,商借實屬不易,此為首次來台展覽。此次展覽共展出八十餘件作品,共由歐美十餘所美術館和收藏家所提供,尤其難能可貴。其中更有高更名畫代表作《三個大溪地人》(Three Tahitians),為高更在大溪地巔峰時期所繪,以及《阿爾風景》( Landscapes from Arles),為高更與梵谷共同生活時所創作的佳作,讓國內民眾一睹高更的精彩創作。

高更簡述(Gauguin bio)

保羅高更(Paul Gauguin1848-1903),出生於法國巴黎,得年五十五歲。幼年跟著父母遠渡重洋至祕魯,三歲到六歲都住在祕魯的首都利馬。在南美洲的童年,異國的美景與人民,成了高更腦海中永恆的美麗畫面,也是他後半生持續追尋異鄉之美的根源。




高更與梵谷(Gauguin and Van Gogh)


永遠的他鄉 (Gauguin Elsewhere)



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Issue date: 02 Aug 2010

Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen with the last icecore drilled at a depth of 2537,36 m. The last 2 m of ice above the bedrock contains rocks and other material that has not seen sunlight for hundreds of thousands of years.

Bedrock has been reached Tuesday July 27 2010 at the deep ice core drilling site North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling (NEEM) on the Greenland Ice Sheet at the depth 2537.36 m. The Eemian is the last interglacial period, when climate was warmer than today, and sea level 5 meters higher, and is our best analogue for future climate. Scientists from 14 nations participated in NEEM, the most international ice core effort to date. After five years of work, ice from the warm interglacial Eemian period, 130,000 to 115,000 years before present and even older ice has been recovered. The last 2 m of ice above the bedrock contains rocks and other material that has not seen sunlight for hundreds of thousands of years. We expect the ice to be rich in DNA and pollen that can tell us about the plants that existed in Greenland before the site became covered with ice, perhaps as long as 3 million years ago.

Dr Eric Wolff, a leading ice core scientist at BAS, said “It is a tremendous achievement to have collected ice right down to the rock, 2.5 km below the ice surface. This core should really help us to understand how the Arctic ice responded in the past at a time when it was warmer than today”.

Group sciencists picture

More than 300 ice core researchers including many young scientists have been in the NEEM camp during the last years. The ambitious scientific program of the NEEM project involves science groups from 14 participating nations. The abrupt climate changes are studied in detail by a suite of different measurements, including the stable water isotopes telling about temperature changes and moisture sources back in time, greenhouse gasses trapped in the ice and biological content that improves our understanding of the natural variability, feedbacks of the carbon and the biogenic cycle and very detailed chemical measurements resolving the annual variations of the climate.

Measurements made on site, meters below the snow surface in the science trench, go beyond what has ever been done at deep ice core camps before. State-of-the-art laser instruments for water isotopes and greenhouse gasses, online impurity measurements and advanced studies of ice crystals are among the impressive instruments at NEEM, one of the most inaccessible parts of the Greenland ice sheet.

Map of Greenland showing the location of the NEEM drilling site

The main goal of the NEEM project is to learn more about the warm Eemian climate period because it in many aspects can be seen to an analogue to the warming we will experience in the future. How reduced was the Greenland ice sheet 120.000 years ago when the global temperature was 2–3 deg C warmer than the present? And how much and how fast did the Greenland Ice Sheet contribute to sea level at that time? We expect that our findings will increase our knowledge on the future climate system and increase our ability to predict the speed and final height of sea level rise.

The progress in the drilling at NEEM can be followed in the diary, where pictures from the camp also can be found.

More information on the international NEEM deep drilling project can be obtained by contacting our Field Operation Manager J.P. Steffensen. E-mail: neem-fom@gfy.ku.dk, tel +299 84 11 51 or +299 52 41 25

From the NEEM camp
Project Leader Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
Professor, Niels Bohr Institute
University of Copenhagen
Participating Nations:

Denmark, USA, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, Iceland, Japan, Korea, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, United Kingd

Professor Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

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黃金果,又名黃星蘋果、加蜜蛋黃果、蜜蛋黃果,於新加坡稱黃晶果(黃金果),英名Abiu,又名caimito,學名Pouteria caimito Radik ,為山欖科(Sapotaceae) 膠木屬(Pouteria)果樹,原產亞馬遜河上游之常綠果樹,分布於安底斯山脈之東,自委內瑞拉、秘魯、厄瓜多爾、千里達以至巴西均有裁培,巴西、秘魯等中南美洲以外地區較少見,1914年引進美國佛羅里達南部,發現幼株不耐低溫寒害。1987年鳳山分所首次自新加坡引入,在本分所及屏東縣高樹鄉試種,1994年又由馬來西亞引入兩品系,另國立屏東科技大學也引入數個品種栽培。



黃晶果(黃金果)為熱帶果樹,喜溫暖潮濕之氣候,溫度最好在lO℃以上,20 -35℃最為適合,雨量在1000 -3000m m平均分佈者較佳,於終年溫暖潮濕之地生長良好,台灣中部海拔5OOm以下仍可生長,冬季遇lO℃以下溫度可能使葉片黃化落葉,幼株不耐寒害,喜肥沃、排水良好之土壤,但對土壤適應力大,不耐積水但微耐旱,土壤pH5.5-7.5均可生長。


黃晶果(黃金果)產期通常在6個月以上,台灣之主要產期在2~4月及7~8月,品種之間略有差別,亦可經由環刻及灌溉控制生長而全年結果。黃晶果(黃金果)3年生植株年量約6 -10公斤6年生植株年產量約25 -35公斤

花為兩性花,花小,花梗甚短,單生或 2~9 花簇生於分枝或主幹上。花瓣 4~5裂,淡綠色,長 0.4~ 0.8 公分,花柱短,可自花授粉,大多在夜間(600~800)開放,少數花在早上600開放,開花期有特殊香氣,為蟲媒授粉。



果實形狀因品系及結果期而異,呈長卵圓、橢圓或圓形;幼果皮深綠色,有少許絨毛,成熟時果皮轉呈光滑鮮豔明亮之金黃色,果頂平整或微尖;果重 100~ 900g,果徑 7~ 11 公分;果肉乳白色,半透明狀,皮肉不易分離,未熟果或近皮部會有膠狀乳汁,食之帶澀味,成熟果則味甜,平均甜度 12~15°Brix,無酸味;果肉質地與風味,品種間差異極大,有極甜至淡而無味者。種子 1~4 粒,單粒種子重約 5~6g,長 3~ 4 公分,黑褐色或深褐色,外有膠質物


黃金果為多年生常綠性喬木,樹皮灰色棕色,老莖有不規則剝落痕;枝葉及幼果均會分泌白色膠狀乳汁;株高可達 2 公尺以上,枝梢細長下垂。葉互生,長 10~ 20 公分,寬 3~ 6 公分,長橢圓形,嫩葉淡綠,成熟葉轉呈深綠色,全緣,先端鈍尖,葉表光亮。花為兩性花,花小,花梗甚短,單生或 2~9 花簇生於分枝或主幹上。花瓣 4~5裂,淡綠色,長 0.4~ 0.8 公分,花柱短,可自花授粉,大多在夜間(600~800)開放,少數花在早上600開放,開花期有特殊香氣,為蟲媒授粉。果實形狀因品系及結果期而異,呈長卵圓、橢圓或圓形;幼果皮深綠色,有少許絨毛,成熟時果皮轉呈光滑鮮豔明亮之金黃色,果頂平整或微尖;果重 100~ 900g,果徑 7~ 11 公分;果肉乳白色,半透明狀,皮肉不易分離,未熟果或近皮部會有膠狀乳汁,食之帶澀味,成熟果則味甜,平均甜度 12~15°Brix,無酸味;果肉質地與風味,品種間差異極大,有極甜至淡而無味者。種子 1~4 粒,單粒種子重約 5~6g,長 3~ 4 公分,黑褐色或深褐色,外有膠質物























































  • 依據MORTON 1987資料提供
  • 黃晶果分析抗氧化能力DPPH清除自由基能力達70.5%, 屬中高等級, 高於彌猴桃、柑橘及木瓜等水果.



l    果實鮮食用:黃金果的果實主供鮮食,黃熟後果肉呈果凍般的半透明膠質狀,滋味甜美Q滑,惟因果皮富含膠質與鐵質,易受氧化而成褐色,剖開後應儘速食用。食用前先用利刀將果實縱切一半,挖除種子後,再用湯匙取食果肉或再縱切成片狀,用手剝離果皮後食用,亦可加檸檬汁於果肉中,以防止褐化。若經冷藏後食用,口感更為清涼爽口。

l    製成果汁或冰淇淋後食用:可將其與鳳梨或芒果,加上牛乳打成果汁食用,或是製成冰淇淋。





-農試所鳳山熱帶園藝試驗分所 劉碧鵑賴幸宜

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國小一日蔬食 郝市長陪吃


【聯合報記者莊琇閔/台北報導】2010.04.20 04:05 am







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箔金包貴得可以, 最近看到一個高達美金一萬, 看起只是–個包包, 不知貴在什麼地方, 也不知為何受到貴婦的受載, 女兒花了幾十分鐘解釋, 才知其一=...........

The "Birkin" bag is a purse manufactured by leather goods and ready-to-wear manufacturer Hermès. It is named after British-born actress and singer Jane Birkin, a longtime resident of France.

This is Jane Birkin photo

This Berkin Bag: 

Hermès named and designed a handbag — the Birkin bag — for her in 1984 (according to one story) after the company's chairman saw her struggling with several bags while boarding an airplane. Although one of their most expensive, the Birkin bag has become one of Hermès' most popular handbags.

Victoria loves Berkin's bags, she has several colors, it is said that she owns 100 of it. 

The Berkin's bag is from $500 to $10,000.000 range. It is not for ordinary consumer like me. 

I only spend less than$20.00 bag made in China, and usually, I shop at Wal Mart and Target. 

Jane Birkin's most popular song. 

This song was causing a lot of controversy, even the Vatican declared this was immoral and banned it 

In 1969, she and Gainsbourg released the duet "Je t'aime... moi non plus" ("I love you... nor do I"). Gainsbourg originally wrote the song for Brigitte Bardot.

The song caused a scandal for its sexual explicitness, and was banned by radio stations in Italy, Spain, and the UK.

The song's fame is partly a result of its salacious lyrics, sung in French by both Gainsbourg and Birkin to a background of increasing sexual moans and groans from Birkin and culminating in her simulated orgasm at the song's conclusion.

現在聰起末, 好像還可以...........


his UK ban had TV show Top Of The Pops producers in a quandary as they always played the number one single.

Controversially, they played the instrumental version which had been recorded by studio musicians Sounds Nice.

This version was also a UK number 18 hit under the title of Love At First Sight.


Je t'aime je t'aime
Oh oui je t'aime!
- Moi non plus.
- Oh mon amour...
- Comme la vague irrésolue
Je vais je vais et je viens
Entre tes reins
Je vais et je viens
Entre tes reins
Et je
Me retiens

- Je t'aime je t'aime
- Oh oui je t'aime!
- Moi non plus.
- Oh mon amour...
Tu es la vague, moi l'île nue
Tu vas tu vas et tu viens
Entre mes reins

Tu vas et tu viens
Entre mes reins
Et je
Te rejoins

Je t'aime je t'aime
Oh oui je t'aime!
- Moi non plus.
- Oh mon amour...
- Comme la vague irrésolue
Je vais je vais et je viens
Entre tes reins
Je vais et je viens
Entre tes reins
Et je
Me retiens

Tu vas et tu viens
Entre mes reins
Et je
Te rejoins

- Je t'aime je t'aime
- Oh oui je t'aime!
- Moi non plus.
- Oh mon amour...
L'amour physique est sans issue

Je vais je vais et je viens
Entre tes reins
Je vais et je viens
Entre tes reins
Je me retiens
- Non! maintenant

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Gertrude Baines 是投歐巴馬的, 你想假如我們也能活到她的年紀, 你會投給那一位呢?

善哉善哉! 求求天上神明不要讓我活太久!因為我不知耍投那一位. 

小馬, 小英, 小輸,  小人 或是3小 (對不起又言不及義!)

Gertrude Baines (April 6, 1894 – September 11, 2009)[1] was an American supercentenarian, who was the oldest recognized living person according to Guinness World Records, from January 2, 2009, the death of Portuguese woman Maria de Jesus, until her own death on September 11, 2009, at age 115 years 158 days. She was the last recognized surviving person documented as being born in 1894.

Baines lived in Los Angeles. Just before her 115th birthday, Baines was hospitalized and treated for dehydration, but she made a quick recovery. Aside from her arthritis and inability to walk, Baines was in good health until age 115. She was buried in Inglewood Park Cemetery.

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For LKK, sometime we need to know about the new Tech information. 

As my daughter recommendation, I should post this information for all of you. 

Let me know if you need more about the news about the high tech. 

Go inside the benchmarking lab in Santa Clara, California and in labs in Hillsboro, Oregon to see first-hand the enthusiasm, brilliance and dedication that went into creating the new Core i7 microarchitecture, codenamed "Nehalem." 

The Core i7 can handle more data, quicker and more energy efficiently. "Building this microprocessor brings a lot of people together, like architects, micro architects and the design teams," says Rani Borkar, vice president of Intel's Digital Enterprise Group. "As you get into the development phases, working with the process technology, it's a mind-boggling effort that requires a lot of teamwork across the board."

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Life After People is a television documentary series where scientists and other experts speculate about what the Earth might be like if humanity no longer existed, as well as the impact humanity's disappearance might have on the environment and the artificial aspects of civilization. The program premiered as a two hour special on January 21, 2008 on the History Channel. which served as a de facto pilot for the series that premiered April 21, 2009.

The program does not speculate on how humanity disappeared, only that it did so, and suddenly, leaving everything behind including household pets that have to fend for themselves. The rest of the speculation is based upon documented results of the sudden removal of humans from a geographical area and the possible results that would occur if humanity discontinues its maintenance of buildings and urban infrastructure.

The following are the first part of it. 

I will post the rest later. 

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