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Dear all:

Pierrette, Marie and Sabine finally met at Irvine dated November 30th 2008.

Pierrette prepared nice dishes ( Pork stew, 2 vegetable dishes, White Fungus sweet soup, and mix fruit)

Marie prepared Mix salad (Bitter melon, Bean Curd, Penuts with chopped green onion and cilandra)

Sabine prepared a cold vegie dished.

We had a lot of fun. However time past so fast, we did not have enough time to do some foot massages and complete the facial beauty package.



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Pierrette現住美國加州南部橘郡爾灣。爾灣位在洛杉磯南部約一個鐘頭車程的地方,是一個新興城市,有南加矽谷之稱。Pierrette婚後便自台灣移民來此,一住便是十多年。如今獨生女Tiffany已經十二歲。Pierrette平日在家相夫教子,週末在爾灣慈濟中文學校幫忙做義工,生活充實美滿。French78在此與眾同學分享她近日的生活點滴。   - By Marie


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Jacqueline with Jayhawker




This is Michel.  Well, we all know many of us have been apart for over 30 years.  From innocent college graduates to seasoned adults, we can only guess how many life stories there are among us during these 30 years.  Our dear classmate J. Jacqueline told her story with her vivid writing, supplemented by very nice photos of herself and her family.  Please go check J.J.'s album.   






What do you call it? My journey?                                                    By J. Jacqueline


It has been an interesting time, intertwining with old and new. My emotion is still “high” from all these encounters.  This summer, I decided to brave my constant discomfort and planned a vacation to visit Lawrence , KS , where my husband and I went to school and met in 1979. The boys wanted to spend some time in Colorado before daddy moved back home; Jason really wanted to revisit the Midwest and Andrew was eager to add Kansas to his list of states travelled.


After celebrating my father’s birthday with my brother’s family, we set out to Colorado . We had just put in landscaping but would be putting the house on the market in a few months. For the two years my husband had worked there, I kept wondering how it would have been if we had moved, if Andrew had been going to school there. Even though we’ve found that college application is becoming more and more competitive a process in Colorado, when thinking of the incredible view of the Flatirons and kids running free in the huge green open space, I could not help speculating if Andrew would have been happier doing the same things here instead of in the hustled and bustled Bay Area! Last year, we visited the Rocky Mountain National Park , the Royal Gorge, and other places JC and I toured when we first visited Colorado 25 years ago in our blue Volkswagen Bug. I wish I had a picture of the car. It was so old the body was rusting, so we painted white clouds on it. This time around, we decided to stay home, play in the pool so mom can keep up with her rehab workout, and watch the rabbits munch on our new grass and plants. It was nice not having to be awakened by an alarm clock.


From Broomfield , Colorado , we drove through eastern Colorado , all the way across Kansas to Lawrence . Lawrence is a college town, 40 minutes west of Kansas City , Kansas and Kansas City , Missouri . We took the kids to see the apartment and the town house we once lived in, where we went to class and worked in the pretty campus on Mt. Oread , and the famous legendary KU mascot “Jayhawk”. Listening to the fragments of our memories as we strolled the campus, both kids got very excited as if they were part of it back then. Jason wished USC had a campus like this. But we could not persuade Andrew to come to KU – it’s too far from home and kind of “in the middle of nowhere”! We continued our journey to Kansas City , Missouri , stayed at the Country Club Plaza. The Plaza reflects European influences everywhere, especially those of Seville , Spain . We used to come here at Christmas time for the dazzling lights. I was surprised to learn that it’s the first shopping center in the world designed to accommodate shoppers arriving by automobile. There, we met an old friend of mine, Susan. This was my first reunion with Susan after 25 years. She was this quiet and shy Chinese American freshman girl that I got to know on the bus from the dorms to the campus in KU. We lived in different dorms, but I think I worked in the cafeteria in her dorm. We kept contact after I left school by exchanging Christmas cards and letters every year. It was her birthday. We had the famous Kansas City BBQ and shared a mud pie with ice cream. We’ve sent pictures throughout the years, but to see her in person was something different and indescribable. It brought back so many memories…. And the boys had to listen to my stories about getting up at 5 and walking in the snow to Elsworth’s kitchen….


After coming home from the heart-filled trip, we were busy getting ready for school. JC took another vacation so we could take Jason back to school. I was still drenched in my sweet memories while life went back to its usual craziness…until the email from Marie. This was like a second wave that came right after the first – without warning. The trail of emails brought me back 4 more years in life. I was overwhelmed by everyone’s responses and spent all my time busy recollecting the forgotten times. Leaving Taiwan for a brand new environment took a lot of adjustment. I was lucky to have made many good friends, met JC, and had the chance to enrich my life experience. Married life was great and work was good as well. There was not much room for thinking back, except for the seldom connection I had with the closer group of you. With the kids arriving, I put the past aside. I was busy laughing and crying with them, busy making sure I did my job and they did theirs. Then, all of a sudden, I was awoken by your emails. Your faces emerged and the happy years came back to mind. The short meeting with Gisele and Michel was so gratifying to me. It was like I finally filled a big spot of my huge puzzle! They have changed – havn’t we all? Yet I was so at ease that it seemed they have not changed at all! I wished we had more time and I wished I could do the same with each and every one of you!


Now that the zest of emailing is dying down a bit – no one to blame – we all have to live our life in the real world, we turn to the wonderful French 78 Blog to savor the good “old” days and learn the “new” about our dear friends. I am sure there are stories and stories to be told, fascinating or not, I will be eager to take them in like a thirsty, hungry sponge. The bond amongst all of us is surprisingly strong, especially after so many years, won’t you say? I see that we are no more in a hurry to pour our hearts out, to catch up the somewhat lost 30 years in an instant. That’s a good sign because what we need is a long-standing tie. By sharing on the blog, I wish we would keep it going – slowly, but surely, for many, many more years.


Who would know that while I have been struggling with physical problems, I’d have such a full load of emotional fulfillment? Adding to my joy was my husband’s returning to the area. Now I feel like I am ready to tackle the unforeseen future with all the support I know I’ll have. I can sense it already! Four years is not a long time, but the ever-lasting friendship evolved from it can be incredible. You warmed my heart and I feel so lucky that I am one of you! 


PS. Pictures attached.

      Jason was born in 1989. Andrew was born in 1994.







請按此處觀賞更多照片 ---> Jacqueline 堪薩斯之旅

french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

余俠虛懷若谷,為了咱小小部落格的編輯邀約,煞費苦心寫下誠惶誠恐的拒絕,真令人傷心欲絕,令編輯們傷透腦筋,快點組個道德遊說團呀...  伊煞美麗


Cher Marie暨帥哥美女群:







當家大嫂們,如小薇等,就是電腦專才,加上衷腸「勤生薄死以赴天下之急」,擔綱司職,游刃有餘,已故的電影名星,Paul Newman就說:
















Edouard   971024

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Dear All,

Isabelle asked me to post this letter on the blog, so here we go.  We all know that Amao is overwhelmed by her work and other matters right now so we don't want to bother her too much, but we also know she is more dedicated to our group than anyone else, so we hope to hear from her from time to time on the blog. 

















                再聊!     祝




PS:(2)好像曾有人問到古修女,M. Nouge,.......這些老師的消息,我在此必須順便提一下,M. Nouge在法國已過世,法文系曾為他舉行過追思會,我相信大夥兒都會懷念他的。

french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()

由於大夥忙於生活,前陣子像旋風般刀光劍影, 你來我往的熱鬧勁, 暫時歇息在臺灣, 逐漸接近冬天了, 早晚同學們要多加件衣服喲! 在海外的同學,出門看溫度計,自行決定穿著.


Marie Michel 為了長期經營我們這塊剛開墾出來的部落格小天地,正在積極的召募編輯群, 好讓Blog French 78 日新月益. 排班表要等到全部人員到齊, "集訓" 完成後,就會再公諸於世, 請敬候佳音. 任何自願參加編輯群的人, 可以馬上向Marie-Jenny Michel-Mike 報名, 絕對會被夾道歡迎的...


目前應該已有 Pierette-Grace, Madeleine, Jacqueline-Jessica, Gisele-Jolyn 準備好要頂著鋼盔往前衝, French 78效命. Sabine-Carol 更是非常感性的表達她對這個使命由衷的支持,特別將她的 e-mail 英文原文加上翻譯刊出,與同學們分享





----- Original Message -----

From: Chin-Hua Itani

Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 10:07 AM

Subject: Schedule for Maintaining Blog French 78


Hi Marie-Jenny and all the French78 Blog-guns:


I am just having a lot of fun to read all the on-going never-ending e-mails; since I' m always very slow in reacting with all kind of current affairs; I just about to ask your guys " How about me?".  

My little "Saint" Marie-Jenny can not wait for my aggresive approach and politely give me some assignment. She has all the factors together ( Time, Place and People); I think I can keep silence only for half second. And I would like to let you know how happy I am ..............


In addition, since my computer literacy is below the standard, a full instructions with SOP will help.For real, I mean it is essential requirement for me to become one of the "Editors"..................... 


It is one of most relaxing time for the day, when I read your messages and try to write to you to express my little  thoughts here and there. 

For this I will forget the Global Economic Downturn, and stop counting my lost(401K retirement funds, Mutual funds, Miki's Education funds, House value etc, etc, and etc)

And for this, I locate one of the best cyber hide-away from my chaotic social life (Duty, Honor and Country - sometimes mix with Salt, Pepper and Chili)


To obtain the "Secret" of the life, and gain the whole control of it. Your continuous supports, assistance and friendship are extremely important.

Love you all!!!!!!


Have a great day!!!


Sabine-Carol Itani at La Palma .. .................



, Marie-Jenny  暨 所有 French 78部落格的夥伴們:


讀著你們不曾間斷的電子郵件魚燕往返, 我著實有著諸多的樂趣, 但是我對目前一切的事物總感覺得反應很慢, 我就很想問問諸位 " 我怎麼了"?

我的"Marie-Jenny 小聖女" 等不及我的熱烈參與(編輯團)的回應,就很客氣的指派給我了一些任務. 她具足了一切因緣 (天時地利人和). 我想我只能沉默半秒鐘吧! 我要讓你們知道我有多高興 .....


 此外,由於我的電腦文字處理程度低於一般水準, 一套SOP (標準作業程續)的說明會有所助益. 這是實話實說, 這是我要當編輯團成員之一的基本要求......


當我讀著你們的訊息並且回信給你們,嘗試著把我東一點西一點的想法傳達出來的時候, 這是我一天中最快意輕鬆的時刻之一. 在此當下, 我會忘卻全球經濟蕭條,不再去計算我的損失 (401K 退休金, 戶惠基金, 女兒Miki的教育基金,房屋的價值等等.....)

並且為了遠離這些,我置身於一個最好的網路避難所以逃離這些紛亂的社會生活 (責任,容譽和國家 --- 有些時後還掺雜了柴米油鹽.....)


為了獲得這些生活中的"秘密",並且保有對這一切完全的掌控, 你們不斷的支持,協助和友誼永遠是最重要的




祝福 美好的一天!!!


 Sabine-Carol Itani 寫於 La Palma.. .................




(Madeleine 用她自己活潑的北方爽朗語調, 為 Sabine的來信傳遞新的元素,版主決定通盤刊出,)


Madeleine說: 以下 Sabine 來文,  我想像 Sabine 的口氣, 印象太模湖了若不適合請刪除 






俺樂見陸續推出的伊媚兒, 俺總慢半拍反應, 俺想問問各位, " 俺在幹啥 ? "


俺 那親親小乘馬力珍妮等不及俺大力出手之前已禮讓多件任務。她得天獨厚, (有閒, 有地,又有僕人) ; 不像俺不能維持半分鐘不吼, 俺要表達內心澎湃之情...


除此之外, 俺裝備不齊, 俺想要求像 SOP一類的基本配備,,起碼那是俺出編輯任務的基本要求。


一天之中, 俺最輕鬆時分, 是見各位來文與分享心情, 管他去世界經濟蕭條,什麼退休帳戶,雞精與 Miki 教育補習,房屋現值與俺何干 ...


為此, 終日繁忙之後,避身於網路廣闊邊際,責任、聲譽與國家安危 置之腦後,今日吃外面 ...




愛你們所有 !!!


享受美好的一天 !!! 


Sabine-Carol Itani at La Palma .. .................



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Jacqueline, Michel, Gisele (from left to right)


☆☆☆     ☆☆☆     ☆☆☆




Few more pictures to share and they are actually pretty good. (Jacqueline, thanks for the pics)


Yes, Michel, Jacqueline and me TOOK ACTION!  We did not wait.  We met for dim sum yesterday, Oct 2 in San Jose .  I was walking out from my office to lobby to see Michel imagining the feeling I would have at our first sight to each other after 30 years!  We smiled at each other in a short distance. That was an amazing and very rare feeling in life - a dream coming true!  After chatting a bit, Jacqueline showed up.  My first words were: you did not change a bit!! We hugged, we had dim sum, we talked a lot, each one of us reported a bit our life after graduation and after coming to America till this point in life.  Boy, we had a wonderful time.  Jacqueline and I did not forget to ask the waiter to take pictures even though during the whole time we were busy chatting.  This really reminds us how merciless time can be.  Just like that, 30 years were gone, after Fu-Jen!  And here we are, at out 50! 


Imagine!  Before this date ( 10/2/2008 ) - 

Last time I saw Michel was in summer 1979!!

Last time I saw Jacqueline was in 1990!!


Guys, it's time to make up the lost time.  Don't wait anymore!  Do the things you love within in your ability and law permits, just for the heck of it!!  For example, if you like the trendy mini-skirt in hot pink, the torn apart type of jeans to fit in with you daughters and sons, JUST DO IT!  Don't you want to be "in"??  Don't you want to be "hot"??  Hey, how about a big sis vs. young brother type of romance?  No fear please!!   Michel wanted to fulfill his passion of playing music, he started The People two years ago and now became popular!  We just have to do it, at least, TRY!  DON'T WAIT ANY MORE!!!


Madeleine, our organizer!  You brought back a lot of old days memory.  Wow, that was 2005 I went back to Taiwan ??  You might be grandmother soon. Thanks for sharing the nice pictures.


Delphine, thanks for the kinds words describing us "wonderful three" and "beautiful".  I felt too excited and encouraged to fall asleep last night!  


I am still waiting the gentlemen in the group to throw a few words.  Hey, I understand Chinese characters okay?  But I am fine with your own timing though. 




"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

--Martin Luther King, Jr.


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eatdrinkand be merry,


Edouard        971017


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Edouard            971015

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