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Anderson Cooper saved a young boy at street of Port-Au-Prince while a Violante looting was occurring. 

The boy was hit by concrete rock, the blood covered all his face. 

And there is no one takes in charge for the chaotic street violence. 

It is hard to watch.

Haiti after earthquake, with its long term politic instability and poverty,  the road to rebuilt will be long and frustrated

God bless Haiti.

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This is Crepe in Paris

This is Crepe Suzette step by step:


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The is part 2, 

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更新日期:2010/01/25 02:00 林淑娟/台北報導




學校查賭 律師分析利害全放行




親人難渡 陳凱倫坦承教子無方




After read this news, I just can say that we need to pray for our children, and take care of them when they need us always!

Sometimes, they are crying inside for our help while we did not pay attention at all. 

The children go through us to arrive this world with blessing.

They are the most precious gift from god, although they will soon leave us and have their own life. 

I always think about it, and wonder how to be a better parent. 

Feel very sorry to read this news, since I like Mr. Cheng a lot ever since he was child star. ai

And I enjoy his program in the Buddhism channel.  

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This film is a little long, however it is well presented for the art of Aguste Rodin. 

Rodin museum is in Paris, it should be a great place to visit. 

Your input for this film will be highly appreciated. 


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Sarah Chang is Korea American

She is one of the best young violinists in the world, has received several awards. 

You can refer her information at :


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更新日期:2010/01/21 12:19








將遭受洪水襲擊的羅浮宮(Louvre)、奧塞美術館(Musee d'Orsay)、布利碼頭博物館(Musee du QuaiBranly)等,可以將館內地下室的無價之寶安全轉移到位於巴黎西北部的新城塞爾吉蓬圖瓦茲(Cergy-Pontoise)。


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中廣 更新日期:2010/01/20 11:35








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更新日期:2010/01/21 08:03



衛斯理當地教育主管機關指出,舒斐德小學(Schofield Elementary School)教職員工15日要施打新型流感疫苗,不料保健室護士卻誤將某些糖尿病學童所使用的胰島素當成新型流感疫苗,使得所有教職員工都被打錯針。



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Sarah Wallace, a 24-year-old midwife from Devon, holds up baby Mirtanda, a malnourished baby who she cared for in Haiti . Mirtanda and her mother are missing. 

Photograph by; Supplied, edmontonjournal.com

Wallace moved to the port city of Jacmel in 2008 to work as midwife and establish a registered charity, called Olive Tree Projects.


She rejects evacuation for chance to help survivors

She is on Rick's list (CNN) for the intriguing people in 1/20/2010. 


"Sarah Wallace
The 24-year-old midwife from Canada moved to Jacmel, Haiti, in 2008 with the hopes of building a maternity center and orphanage. The Edmonton Journal reports that the port city of 40,000 people is a shambles and Wallace has been sleeping outside, distributing food or driving injured people to get medical help. In emails to the Canadian newspaper, she has been describing her experiences: "Broken houses; people sitting outside their homes waiting for the word that it's all over; people hysterically crying because of lost ones; dead people on the street or in the backs of trucks," she says. "I have asked if the U.N. has organized anything for children who have lost their parents, but nothing has been set up yet. I think all orphaned children are probably still in the care of neighbors, relatives or strangers." After two visits to Haiti as a teenager, Wallace decided to rent a house with money she had earned as a golf course maintenance worker in Canada and with funds that friends and family had sent her. At the house, she taught "traditional Haitian midwives skills to give babies born in their care a better chance." Wallace also registered a charity in Haiti called Olive Tree Projects.

Her story can be read in the Canada.com. 


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Just read the following article, and I feel it is good to learn the skill and technique to cope with the change in life.

Just for your reference. It may help you a lot.




10 ways you can embrace change

By Katherine Russell Rich, Real Simple.com


  • Not everyone likes change -- some avoid it or are absolutely shocked by it
  • Writer: Ignore brain whining about danger or screaming with need to be right
  • Learn to live with uncertainty and be skeptical of common wisdom
  • Say "really? or Oh, yeah?" a lot to people warning against change

 -- When it came to change, my father had it licked. His motto was simply "Don't let it happen to you."

He proudly wore the same tie he'd had since college. He moved house just three times -- ever. But his town and his life were epicenters of low upheaval.

For most of us, change is an unavoidable fact, something I (re)discovered when, several years back, I lost my job in a shrinking industry. Far from ruining my life, that seismic shift gave me the chance to do two things I had always hoped to do: live in India and learn a new language (Hindi).

In the process, I discovered a lot about how to survive when head-rattling transformations are thrust upon you. Here are some of the tricks I picked up along the way.

1. Don't just do something; sit there. If you're facing a massive rescaling of your life, your first impulse will be to go into a whirring spin of activity, which is exactly what I did right after I was fired.

I later discovered there's a lot of value to sitting quietly instead. In the realm of language learning, there's a stage called the silent period: Adults may try to avoid going through it, but if you take a kid and plop her down in Paris for a spell, she'll naturally clam up for a few months. When she opens her mouth, her French will have flowered. Making sense of a major change is a lot like that. You need to allow yourself a fallow period before you can blossom.

2. Mother yourself a little. When familiar routines suddenly dissolve, it can seem as if all your supports are gone. For a while after I lost my job, I had the sense that I was in free fall. It's crucial, while absorbing the shock of the new, to make yourself feel well taken care of. Prepare nutritious meals for the week ahead. If you can spare the cash, have someone come in and clean the house.

Yes, you need to take some time for yourself, but don't let the pizza boxes pile up.

3. Ignore your inner reptile. There's a part of the human mind that is often referred to as the "lizard brain," because it existed in even the earliest land animals. The lizard brain is concerned with survival; it likes the tried and true, so it's likely to pipe up right now, flooding you with adrenaline warnings of "Danger!" as you veer off course.

This was a handy function to have when deviating from the familiar path to the watering hole may have led to an encounter with a saber-toothed tiger. But in the modern world it's like a misfiring car alarm: pointless and annoying.

4. Silence your inner know-it-all, too. When I interviewed the eminent linguist Alton Becker, I asked what makes someone good at languages. It helps not to be too smart, he said, explaining, "Smart people don't like having their minds changed, and to learn a language, you have to change your mind."

If you're so smart that you can't rethink your positions, all your IQ points won't do you much good when your life is turned upside down. Becker's advice applies across the board.

5. Seek out new perspectives. Zen practitioners cultivate the "don't know" mind; they work to assume they don't know anything and in that way see the world fresh. This is a great way to approach change -- as an opportunity to start anew, to consider all possibilities.

Ask naive, wide-eyed questions of anyone who is doing anything you might be interested in trying. Listen seriously to arguments you might once have dismissed.

6. Try something new and slightly scary. Why? Because now is the time to explore what it is that you really like. Catch yourself off-guard and see what happens.

At a time when I was feeling most stuck, I spontaneously volunteered to get up onstage at an open-mic storytelling evening in New York City. The experience was elating and terrifying and showed me that I wanted to lead a more creative life.

7. Be skeptical of common wisdom. It's dangerous to live in the aggregate, especially when you're trying to figure out your next move. One year, everyone knows you need an M.B.A. to succeed at anything. The next, they're saying that there are no jobs out there anyway, so don't even try. In my case, everyone but I knew that you can't learn a language at age 43. But since no one alerted me to that fact, that's what I set my sights on.

8. Learn to live with uncertainty. When I began learning Hindi, my teacher encouraged me to get out and practice with native speakers in New York. I wound up asking a waiter for love (pyar) when I'd meant to request a cup (pyala). But in that way I inched into a new language. That anxious feeling does not signal that you're doing something wrong, only that you're trying something new.

9. Say "really?" a lot. When you start to turn this sudden shift in your life to your advantage, you might shake up a lot of people, especially the ones who aren't happy with how they're living. To them, your efforts to move forward may feel like a glaring searchlight that needs to be switched off and fast.

To their descriptions of the terrible fates that will surely befall you if you dive headlong into a new life, respond with "Really?" Alternatively, "Oh, yeah?" works, too.

10. Shed your old skin. Discard physical clutter, tired ideas, old routines. Seeing things through another's eyes can help. I had that chance when the Hindi school I enrolled in asked me to list my daily requirements.

I could honestly have said, "For the past 62 days, I've eaten pineapple sandwiches for breakfast: toast, butter, canned pineapple (sliced, not crushed). Bedtime: white-noise machine (surf, not rain), four pillows (two hard, two soft)." Instead I wrote, "None."

It's only when you have cast off what has been weighing you down that you can finally move on.


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The following link is from HHS (US Department of Health and Human Service )about the Earthquake in Haiti.

The casulty is beyond calculation so far. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world.

After this disaster, the country's economic is getting worse.



U.S. Air Force drops 55,000 pounds of food, water into Haiti

By Larry Shaughnessy, CNN Pentagon Producer


  • 40 pallets with bottled water and Meals, Ready-to-Eat, dropped on a field just north airport
  • First airdrop of humanitarian supplies by the U.S. military into Haiti since quake
  • Mission was success says U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Leon Strickland

ONBOARD AN AIR FORCE C-17 OVER HAITI (CNN) -- Bypassing the gridlock of Haiti's main airport and congestion of roadways in the earthquake-ravaged country, the U.S. military delivered badly needed food and water on Monday by parachute.

A C-17 cargo plane left Pope Air Force Base in North Carolina shortly after noon, and three hours later dropped 40 pallets -- or "bundles" as the Air Force refers to them as -- holding bottled water and Meals, Ready-to-Eat, or MREs, on a field just north of the Port-au-Prince airport in Haiti.

It was the first airdrop of humanitarian supplies by the U.S. military into Haiti since the deadly earthquake there nearly a week ago.

"There are so many relief agencies funneling through the airport that it has kind of created a bottleneck," U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Leon Strickland told CNN en route to the drop point. "We're going to put things directly out of the air onto the ground and open up another distribution point north of the [Port-au-Prince] airfield."

The mission came just three days after Defense Secretary Robert Gates told reporters at the Pentagon that he thought such airdrops would pose serious problems, especially with crowd control.

See complete coverage of quake in Haiti

"It seems to me that, without having any structure on the ground in terms of distribution, that an airdrop is simply going to lead to riots as people try and go after that stuff. So without any structure for distribution or to provide security when things become available, then it seems to me that's a formula for contributing to chaos rather than -- rather than preventing it," Gates said.

Strickland, commander of the airdrop mission, said safety of the Haitians was still a consideration, but the military had taken steps to insure control over the distribution.

iReport: People continue looking for loved ones in Haiti

"We are obviously concerned about the welfare of the people on the ground," he said, adding, "I'm confident that our members on the ground have created a secure environment for us to conduct airdrop operations."

This first flight carried a total of 9,600 bottles of water and 42,000 MRE packets. One MRE is usually considered one meal for a U.S. soldier in combat, but there is enough food in an MRE packet to make a small meal for two people.

Most of the food in an MRE can be eaten straight from the plastic vacuum-packed pouch. But if water is added to a chemical heater, a hot meal results.

Each pallet was rigged with a large parachute as well as special corrugated cardboard padding that would minimize damage to the water and food when the load hit the ground.

One of the supervisors on the rigging crew at the Army's Fort Bragg, which is adjacent to Pope Air Force Base, said they wanted to make sure as much of the aid, especially the water, survived the airdrop, but they predicted as many as 1-in-10 of the bottles would break on impact. The MREs are much less susceptible to damage during airdrops.

Get latest developments on situation in Haiti

As the C-17 approached Haiti, the pilot dropped to 600 feet above the ground and opened the huge rear ramp. When a computer in the cockpit calculated that the plane was over the drop zone, a signal was given, the pilot pitched the plane upward and the huge straps and gate that held the cargo in place were released. Within seconds, gravity pulled all 40 pallets out of the plane and the parachutes automatically deployed.

In less than a minute the food and water was on the ground, ready to be unpacked and distributed.

Maj. Jeff "Ratdog" Daniels, the pilot of the C-17, said the U.S. military teams waiting for the airdrop on the ground reported all 40 parachutes opened properly and all the bundles landed on target in the planned drop zone.

CNN's Impact Your World

While this airdrop is a first for the military effort in Haiti, the Air Force is well-practiced in this type of mission. Almost daily, Air Force cargo planes drop food and water into remote areas of Afghanistan for U.S. troops fighting there.

Several of the young military personnel CNN spoke to were pleased to be taking part this part of the huge humanitarian mission.

Complete coverage on Haiti

Even though she joined the military while the United States was embroiled in two wars, Pvt. Caitlyn Lopez of the 18th Airborne Corps said "this is what I joined the Army for." She was among dozens of soldiers at Fort Bragg who hand-packed and rigged the bundles of humanitarian aid that were dropped Monday.

The military planned to use Monday's flight as a test to see if airdrops would be a practical and effective way to continue to deliver aid. The decision on whether to do more airdrops not immediately made, but just after returning to Pope AFB, Strickland said of the mission, "It was a success."




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丹麥總理拉斯穆森(Anders Fogh Rasmussen)說,「達成協議近在咫尺。」然而這次談判必須要克服富國與貧國之間嚴重的互不信任,共同承擔起責任,遏止主要來自燃燒化石燃料所產生的碳排放。他表示,有眾多世界領導人與會,意味「這是世界不容錯過的機會」。這次談判期望能達成共識,擬定一項協定來取代現有的聯合國京都議定書(U.N.Kyoto Protocol)。京都議定書將於2012年到期。

聯合國氣候科學家小組組長帕卓里(RajendraPachauri)表示,必須採取行動,避免更劇烈的龍捲風、熱浪、水災及格陵蘭冰原消失,後者意味海平面會在幾個世紀內上升7公尺 之高。


◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎


京都議定書》(英文:Kyoto Protocol,又譯《京都協議書》、《京都條約》;全稱《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約的京都議定書》)是《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeUNFCCC)的補充條款。是199712月在日本京都由聯合國氣候變化綱要公約參加國三次會議制定的。其目標是「將大氣中的溫室氣體含量穩定在一個適當的水平,進而防止劇烈的氣候改變對人類造成傷害」。


政府間氣候變化專門委員會(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,簡稱IPCC)已經預計從1990年到2100年全球氣溫將升高1.4℃ —5.8℃ 。目前的評估顯示,京都議定書如果能被徹底完全的執行,到2050年之前僅可以把氣溫的升幅減少0.02℃ —0.28℃ ,正因為如此,許多批評家和環保主義者質疑京都議定書的價值,認為其標準定得太低根本不足以應對未來的嚴重危機。而支持者們指出京都議定書只是第一步,為了達到UNFCCC的目標今後還要繼續修改完善,直到達到UNFCCC 4.2(d)規定的要求為止。

199712月條約在日本京都通過,並於1998316日 至1999315日 間開放簽字,條約於2005216日 開始強制生效,到20059月,一共有156個國家通過了該條約(佔全球排放量的61%),引人注目的是美國沒有簽署該條約。


◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎


今年莫拉克颱風為台灣帶來的八八水災,造成嚴重傷害是無法想像, 把人為的因素放一邊, 先看看氣侯因素己與過去10年完全不同.  可有人發現到問題的起因?  全球暖化? 而人為對環境的破壞又更催促了地球暖化.


身為地球村的一份子, 樂見全球氣候高峰會的召開,也吸引全球的關注, 但悲觀的想到底會收到多少的成效呢?  一己的力量實在太薄弱了, 若能結合許多小衆的力量, 相信必有積砂成塔的一天: 有人提倡騎單車或搭乘大眾交通捷運系統…?  多吃蔬果的周一無肉日…?  隨手關燈…? 


總之, 小蝦米的力量也是很驚人的, 時時提醒自己,也督促家人朋友, 共同為拯救這地球盡一分心力吧!  童鞋們, 你們想為這世界做些什麼?


Hope the World! 

french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


 法文奇葩有救了 !


 少了 馬力本格頓覺失色,

 加足 馬力之後,



Isa ”好美麗回應擇友條件,

理加在偶也在 美麗的友名單中,

三好之外, 三生有幸 !



Sabin 誠實道出所見所聞所感.

JJ 久久報平安, 一切美好.

DD 行動難掌握,


小寶石行蹤成迷, 自台返美後,




Catherine 熱心提供父母經,


EM 喝咖啡, 賞秋色, 掃落葉, 靜靜聽音樂.


其中最有爭議性的人物是 CD,   

製造最多 噪音”, 又把責任推給別人, 說某人很吵.



CD 還提醒大家作 美麗操”,


Isa”美麗已宣稱要作 第一美麗,







後記 : 美麗隊伍中, 確信有來自加拿大的代表, 這位睽別已久的大美女是 EM 過訪  Toronto, 即時聯絡尋回, 也算是此行大豐收. 猜猜她是誰 




Madeleine 值班於 Toronto, Canada

Nov. 3, 2009 

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.! 當捷運列車到達淡水站時















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誠 盼






















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台南縣政府接受各界物資捐贈專線,敬請撥打                      0980-537516         

物資請寄;  台南縣政府收







…… 關於屏東 ……


請寄到:   高雄市政府    80203 




           請註明「捐贈屏東縣政府以及南部其他縣市救助水患災區使用」並在「 八月九日 ,早上八點」以後,透過宅即便、郵政快捷等「最速方式」寄送。






































 p.s. 捐助金錢較理想, 但請認明在內政部有登記者為宜.


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本世紀最壯觀日食 7/22登場

    亞洲民眾二十二日仰望天際,觀測本世紀歷時最長的日全食、日偏食奇景,驚嘆聲此起彼落。不過,有人興奮,也有人避之惟恐不及,在視日食為厄運的印度,民眾爭相走入恆河沐浴祈福,甚至發生一人死亡的踐踏意外。     台灣地區雖然只能看到日偏食,但仍吸引大小朋友早起觀測日偏食,發出此起彼落的驚嘆聲。










    此次在台灣地區日食發生時在早上8:23開始初虧, 直至11:05復圓,值日小編愛湊熱鬧, 也戴上了克難的太陽眼鏡外加相片底片, 硬是與太陽公公來了個世紀大對看。由於裝備不全, 只有向友邦日本借來來太平洋上的日蝕奇景了.


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全球首例 6隻複製犬成南韓海關緝毒犬

法新社 更新日期:2009/07/20 00:50 江今葉

(法新社首爾19日電) 南韓官員表示,海關已經部署6隻複製犬擔任緝毒犬。據稱這是全球首批複製緝毒犬。


海關表示,這6隻都叫做「Toppy」的緝毒犬成功完成訓練,另外一隻因為受傷中途退出。Toppy的名字源自「Tomorrow's Puppy」(明日之犬)。

仁川國際機場海關發言人朴正憲(Park Jeong-Heon,譯音)向法新社(AFP)說:「這是全球首批上工的複製緝毒犬。」




這項耗費3億韓元(23萬8000美元)計畫,是由李柄千 (Lee Byung-Chun)主持。他在全球第一起成功複製犬計畫中扮演重要角色,當時他利用一隻3歲大阿富汗獵犬複製小狗。


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     在全球追憶Michael Jackson同時, 也別忘了在台北縣這小地方, 仍有著一群熱情洋溢的年輕人, 正努力追求屬於自己的藝術殿堂.

     已第十屆了, 深受年輕人喜愛的Ho-hai-yan(吼海洋), 將於7/10起,一連三天在福隆海水浴場熱鬧演出, 希望有閒暇的朋友都擁躍參與.

    不便參加的海外朋友們, 也歡迎上綱給與年輕人精神上的鼓舞吧!



   順便告訴French 78的閣友們, 我們的第二代可出了一位才華洋溢的藝術愛好青年人…. 阿飛, 去年可表現的十分出色,  不知今年可還有前來參加這盛會, 瑪莉星媽別忘了透露些許訊息讓大家同樂喲!

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