Sarah Wallace, a 24-year-old midwife from Devon, holds up baby Mirtanda, a malnourished baby who she cared for in Haiti . Mirtanda and her mother are missing. 

Photograph by; Supplied,

Wallace moved to the port city of Jacmel in 2008 to work as midwife and establish a registered charity, called Olive Tree Projects.

She rejects evacuation for chance to help survivors

She is on Rick's list (CNN) for the intriguing people in 1/20/2010.

"Sarah Wallace
The 24-year-old midwife from Canada moved to Jacmel, Haiti, in 2008 with the hopes of building a maternity center and orphanage. The Edmonton Journal reports that the port city of 40,000 people is a shambles and Wallace has been sleeping outside, distributing food or driving injured people to get medical help. In emails to the Canadian newspaper, she has been describing her experiences: "Broken houses; people sitting outside their homes waiting for the word that it's all over; people hysterically crying because of lost ones; dead people on the street or in the backs of trucks," she says. "I have asked if the U.N. has organized anything for children who have lost their parents, but nothing has been set up yet. I think all orphaned children are probably still in the care of neighbors, relatives or strangers." After two visits to Haiti as a teenager, Wallace decided to rent a house with money she had earned as a golf course maintenance worker in Canada and with funds that friends and family had sent her. At the house, she taught "traditional Haitian midwives skills to give babies born in their care a better chance." Wallace also registered a charity in Haiti called Olive Tree Projects.

Her story can be read in the

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