Just receive the following information from Consumer Report about the Diabetes and Obesity. It is becoming a serious health problem in US. I believe it will be in Taiwan as well. Your input will be highly appreciated.



November 19, 2009

Partners in crime: Diabetes and obesity

The number of Americans with type 2 diabetes has almost doubled in the past decade, to an estimated 24 million. That includes the one in four who don’t even know they have the disease. And some experts believe it won't be long before that number exceeds 30 million.

Why the explosion? Obesity. Up to a third of us are now clinically obese. And since the vast majority of people with type 2 diabetes are also overweight, it's no wonder those two disorders are often referred to as twin epidemics. Indeed, three out of four respondents to a Consumer Reports survey of 5,012 people with type 2 diabetes said they were overweight. And overweight respondents were more than twice as likely to say that they were unsuccessful at managing their diabetes.

The good news is that efforts to rein in excess weight can help prevent and control the condition. For example, a three-year study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that for people at high risk for type 2 diabetes, a 7 percent weight loss through diet and 30 minutes of exercise, five days per week, resulted in a 58 percent drop in the expected incidence of the disease. And our survey found that efforts to control weight, by improving diet and increasing activity, were effective strategies for helping people successfully manage their diabetes. Diabetes educators and dietitians were rated as being more helpful than primary-care physicians and endocrinologists in educating patients about nutrition.

The bottom line: The solution to tackling obesity and diabetes is simple. You can't choose your parents, but there are no barriers to eating right and exercising.

Marvin M. Lipman, M.D., Consumer Reports’ chief medical adviser

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