在畢業三十年返回母校的同時, 從趙爸爸手中接過了這份珍貴的禮物-桂冠詩篇. 詩中以蝴蝶短暫的生命來比喻人生,   傳遞了 趙爸爸對於在短暫而平等的生命中,努力追求生命目標的堅持.  吟頌再三,詩中意境實難以簡短的敍述來表逹, 也為了讓無法參與返校之同學一起欣賞, 編輯小組覺得還是需要在此介紹這首詩.

    順便打個廣告, 這首詩為趙爸爸贏得了桂冠詩人奬項, 也將收錄在其新書中(書名尚不知). 以下同時收錄了趙爸爸吟頌詩篇的影音片段. 錄音效果不好,喇叭音量開大點, 保証原音重現,其中夾雜粗魯的笑聲, 也請多包涵.


Butterfly`s  worry

作者: 趙德恕神父


My mortal span is more of less six hours.

Out of my cocoon condition.  I attempt to

Live open-eyed, brave and not like a blind.

Poor butterfly!  Touching lightly the awfully

Beautiful flowers only to see their

Colors. Even if it is part of my existence.

It’s not my aim!  What is really vital for me

Like for the bees, is to imbibe their nectar.

Without it my short living would be hopeless,

Helpless, hapless and hardly bearable!

In my state of cocoon I forced myself

To forego, take time by the forelock.

Was it good, worthwhile? I do not know.

Right now, I am heating poetry white-hot.

Right now, I only sense that I exist in my

See-through dress!  Fortunately, I felt

That I could be ensured against the bridging

World beyond the wall!  In our butterfly society

There is no uppish upper-class!  We are all

Alike in our being, doing and dying!


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