以下是本閣主編的新春發聲, 為了提醒值星編輯持續照顧好不漏閣,也盼望同學們常進來粉刷油漆或打掃一下閣內庭園,特別寫給大家的叮嚀.    I'M   


Hello Everyone,


The Spring time is coming. New leaves begin to bud, flowers start to bloom, a wonderful season now arrives. Same to our French 78. A seed was planted unexpectedly six months ago, and now it has grown into a beautiful garden full of fun, happiness and friendship. Thanks to all the wonderful editors who sacrificed their private (or office) time and voluntarily devoted their energy and talent in taking care of this platform. And thanks to all our classmates, who either joined the blogging activities or just browsed quietly at your home corners, doesn't matter. We all know you care!


The list of monthly editors on duty is posted here just as a reminder. Nothing has changed. Password remains the same. 

French 78 has grown into a beautiful garden, having its own life now. Who ever wishes to jump in and play, just yell out loud, there will be tones of experts who can help you start. Should any editor wish to take a break, no need to worry, all of our kind hearted editors are willing to fill your gap while you're busy or unavailable.


Editors on Duty:


1. (April) Micheal, Isabelle,

2. (May) Sabine, Catherine

3. (June) Madeleine, Delphine

4. (July)  Claudette, Gisele

5. (August) Pierrette, Violaine


And thanks to all who supports this original Blogging idea, I truly thank you. You have made my day!! I'm really having a good time with you guys.


又到了春暖花開的時節, 六個月前的無心插柳,成就了今日French 78 一番花團景簇。這是大家的努力成果,今日綜合各方意見,一切照舊。原班人馬繼續擔任園丁,照顧花園。這是開放的園地,來去自如,希望大家玩得開心,看得開心,日子過得開心!!






Good luck and thank you!


Marie  2009/3/31
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