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french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

Newport beach is righ next to Irvine where Pierrette and Marie resides;

It is very beautiful town facing Pacific Ocean.

It is high profile town, where on the Hill, Kobe Brian and other celebities reside over there in some luxurious gated community.

It is only 30 minutes drive from La Palma.

Each year there is Christmas Boat Parade and that is city

s tradition.

This year is 100 year anniversary.

If so happen you have trip visit Southern California, you may need to pay a visit.

It is so pretty and gogieous, you will not want to miss it.


You can sist Newport Beach offical site as follows to obtain more information:



Southern Califronia is beautiful, I will post more tourist spots and activities for you.

Any question, Please do not hesitate to contact me!!!!!!!!!!!


Sabine in La Palam

french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Santa Barbara is a very beautiful  city at north of Los Angeles.

There are a lot of tourist spots, and it is very relaxing city.

At every Saturday and Sunday there are artiest free market. It is very interesting.

If you have chance to visit Los Angeles, take a little ride enjoy Southern California hospitalities.

I can not wait to bring you over there.

The following link will show you more of this beautiful down.

It is full of fun and surprises.


When you visit there, don't forget to try the wine testing.

It is awesome, and it is so nice.

After a little bit wine, then you should go to Santa Barbar Wharf for fresh sea food along with the sea breeze, music, dance, walk etc.

I will definately have a trip during the New Year!

I will share some good stuffs for you!!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy new year !!!!!!!!!



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