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這樣吧! 我們就以 2009台灣宜蘭燈會開幕儀式來歡迎新編輯群出場…….





french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

Dear Friends,


    在感動與佩服中,發現到不漏閣內能人異事已逐漸出現, 現代蘇武M.Christine更勝一籌,在艱困的環境下生活, 能創造出三隻小咩咩.  閣員阿毛姊神勇更不在話下, 東征西討(還有貴人相助)永不後悔的精神值得學習與讓人羡慕.

    但有一事, 編輯群要為其他閣員發聲, 希望毛姊能聽到:





     不必, 不必, 真不必,






     如何?     毛姊?

     歡迎, 歡迎, 再歡迎  

                                    編輯小組  敬上


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Dear All,


經過了春節年假的沉澱,少了EM (Eagle Madelaine) 不安於閣的, French 78不漏閣列車終於又再度向前邁進, 太平洋兩岸四地的諸親好友們快上車喲! 別忘了帶著你們的微笑,眼淚…妤奇心.        


GZ善體人意,提供了英文新年文告, 好讓大家腦筋激盪一番, 重新站回工作崗位. 無論有看懂與否, 每位入閣大德, 都請不吝賜上心得一篇,豐富這心靈之旅.                                


閣內不乏能人異士, 好文章好詩辭應有盡有,本月起本閣將再增闢 “沙發香頌” 一欄, 大家也可一邊欣賞法語歌, 一邊復習法文, 一邊感覺左岸咖啡的浪漫... 




不漏閣夢幻編輯群 敬上

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How are you doing?  Humble editor of February 09, Gisele/Jolyn here wants to say "hello" and wish you all well!  Kung Hei Fat Choi!  Happy Year of Ox! Happy February!  One month gone, 11 months to come!  Like it or not, time flies and leaves no mercy to anyone.  So if you are determined to enjoy life, better start right NOW, make the best out of each single day from this moment on.

First of all, I like to share one article today, give you some ideas on the spending of the bailout money we got last year.  It is not something cheerful, but something hopeful this would be the beginning of stabilizing the ecnomy and turning things around.  

I am here encouraging all of you to jump in here and share your voices and thoughts, fun or useful experiences, tips for life, inspiring knowledges of all areas.  Conservatives or liberals, provocative or traditional, ... are all welcome as long as WE remain civil at all time.



Obama readies road map for new bailout spending

By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer Philip Elliott, Associated Press Writer Sat Jan 31, 6:25 pm ET

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Saturday promised to lower mortgage costs, offer job-creating loans for small businesses, get credit flowing and rein in free-spending executives as he readies a new road map for spending billions from the second installment of the financial rescue plan.

The White House is deciding how to structure the remaining half of the $700 billion that Congress approved last year to save financial institutions and lenders. An announcement was possible as early as this coming week on an approach that would use a range of tools to unfreeze credit, helping families and businesses.

At the end of a week that saw hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs, Obama also used his Saturday radio and Internet address to tell that nation that "no one bill, no matter how comprehensive, can cure what ails our economy."

During the final three months of 2008, the economy recorded its worst downhill slide in a quarter-century, stumbling backward at a 3.8 percent pace, the government reported Friday. It could get worse.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is trying to finish a plan to overhaul the bailout program begun in the Bush administration. Geithner has said the administration is considering using a government-run "bad bank" to buy up financial institutions' bad assets. But some officials now say that option is gone because of potential costs.

Many ideas under consideration could end up costing hundreds of billions beyond the original price tag. Aides would not rule out the possibility that the administration would seek more than the $350 billion already set aside.

Obama said Geithner soon would announce a new strategy "for reviving our financial system that gets credit flowing to businesses and families. We'll help lower mortgage costs and extend loans to small businesses so they can create jobs. We'll ensure that CEOs are not draining funds that should be advancing our recovery."

He said his administration "will insist on unprecedented transparency, rigorous oversight and clear accountability so taxpayers know how their money is being spent and whether it is achieving results."

Obama's message, largely repackaged from a week of White House statements, was as much for the country as it was for lawmakers: Pass the separate American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan or things are going to get worse.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., planned to discuss Obama's legislative agenda during a White House visit Monday evening, an administration official said.

"Rarely in history has our country faced economic problems as devastating as this crisis," the president said. "Now is the time for those of us in Washington to live up to our responsibilities."

Obama this past week won passage of a separate $825 billion economic stimulus plan in the House without a single Republican vote. It now heads to the Senate, where Vice President Joe Biden predicts the measure will fare better among GOP lawmakers.

Republicans pledged to work with Obama. But they cautioned against treating government spending like a "trillion-dollar Christmas list" and renewed their opposition to much in the bill.

"A problem that started on Wall Street is reaching deeper and deeper into Main Street . And the president is counting on members of Congress to come together in a spirit of bipartisanship to act," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in the GOP radio address. "Unfortunately, the plan that Democrats in Congress put forward this week falls far short of the president's vision for a bill that creates jobs and puts us on a path to long-term economic health."

Obama has signaled his willingness to compromise. His chief spokesman said the president hoped to "strengthen" the bill as it headed toward a Senate vote in the week ahead.

Republicans said they hope the administration takes into account their wishes.

"Every day brings more news of layoffs, home foreclosures and shuttered businesses," McConnell said. "And across the country, employers are cutting to the bone even at businesses that most Americans never thought were vulnerable."

Republicans, however, kept putting forward their own plans. McConnell promoted a mortgage program for creditworthy borrowers, offering fixed-rate 4 percent loans designed to increase housing demands and lending. 







french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()

Dear 法文奇葩們,


爆竹一聲除舊歲, 富貴安康迎新春 !








步步高升, 年年有餘, 牛年行大運 !


Happy “ “ Year !


May the year of OX brings you joy and prosperity !   





(  法文奇葩 Allez ! Allez ! Allez !  Goofy )


Madeleine  鞠躬


french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

2009年元旦 Delphine & Madeleine 在這裡向全體 French 78 親朋好友報到, 沒有遲到, 祝大家新年快樂, 平平安安, 順順利利.


一月二日 Delphine & Madeleine 將參加 Isa 有美麗教授為 blog 入門者舉辦的集訓課程, 並商討本月份主題, 歡迎有志者參加. 其中有關在阿毛家欣賞的藝術, 因屬見仁見智, 歡迎各界提供更多資訊, 相片或圖片等, 共同探討, 未參加此次藝術研習營而有興趣者, 請與值班編輯聯絡, 將寄上加工後之講義, 欲索原汁原味者, 私底下聯絡欲深入探討者, 另安排. 目前尚無人報名.

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真是一代比一代強~~, 我們那時有那麼多師資嗎?? 現在的學弟妹們法文應該要比我們強才對~~

在我們那個艱困的年代, 連各像樣的字典都沒有...記得Nouge每次都要批判一下我們用的字典..我們連 LaRousse 都是盜版本~~想想真是好可憐...我們這樣也過了四年的法文學習生涯~~~有人竟然到法國還拿到博士學位, 回母校任教~~, 真不簡單啊~~











By Editor -YJ


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不漏閣振興方案 --- 請踴躍諫言




French78 不漏閣最近的點閱人數和回應的次數就像目前的景氣一般略呈低迷,為了刺激點閱率 ---



聽說有人要把拿到的消費券裱框當做傳家寶,也有人會把它捐給慈善機構,你呢? 說來聽聽吧!



french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(9) 人氣()


2008/11/8 Warm-Up Reunion 台北寫真輯    預告





猜猜我是誰 ???  11/8 在台北做了甚麼事?









french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

最新動態: 在下文刊出後,Violaine 於2008/11/8 Warm-Up Reunion中,幾杯咖啡和氣泡酒下肚後,首肯擔任明年三月份的編輯,不但分攤馬力總編的重任,更為法文奇葩不漏閣灌入神秘的紫羅藍色調,可愛的小寶石與紫羅蘭組合的秘密花園, 期...........

超級馬力以雷霆萬鈞的魄力在短短數月間號召太平洋兩岸的英雄與英雌,快樂的組成  =====>

French 78 Blogless---法文奇葩不漏閣 第一批駐守生力軍, 讓我們來看看Marie 的來信吧! 還在"偷看"不

出聲的高手,我們脖子伸得很長了,快出招吧!!!  IIsabelle


Super Marie 來信: 

Hi Guys,

Yes, Sabine, I agree with you 100%. And thanks to everyone of our classmates. Your support will make a big difference to French 78. Let's all share and grow together from our life experience and wisdom.


If you have time, drop a few lines in our blog. Let's know what you think. I believe communication is an important way to get to know each other. It also helps us clarify our thoughts.


French 78 is a frendly environment. All comments and materials are welcome. And we will work hard to make this place a better place for you. 


We have now the following classmates supporting and maintaining French 78 for us each month. 


謝謝同學們參與French 78 部落格。這個小小的園地才剛起步。

希望French 78 不但可以成為聯絡的橋樑,




在此先謝謝所有在 French 78發聲的同學,你們的來信, 文章, 照片甚至意見都讓這塊園地熱鬧豐富。










Editors on duty 編輯輪值表:

Now till 11/30          Michel, Isabelle

December                Catherine, Sabine

January                     Madeleine, Delphine

February                  Claudette, Gisele

March                      Pierrette, Violaine (Editor: newly found volunteer)

April                        starting from Michel and Isabelle again






french78 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

Ah, M. Nouge, the professor who always carried a big briefcase,  and who seemed always in a bit of hurry.  My personal impression on him is that I am surprised that an European teacher can be so strict in terms of class attendance and punctuation.  Then of course, I have very little knowledge about how European teachers are in general comparing with Chinese teachers or American teachers.  Overall I felt he's a good teacher who's trying hard to pass on his knowledge about French literature to us. 

Hello, all of our contributing editors: how about sharing your experience with us about M. Nouge?


啊! 路瑞教授,總是提著一個大的公事包, 也好像總是有點匆匆忙忙的.....

哈囉, 我們所有的同學兼編輯: 將你們與路瑞教授相處的經驗分享一下吧?!

Mike - Michel (本月版主)

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This is Mike-Michel.  I'm learning the proper way to move around in this blog so that I don't mess up things.  Since I volunteer to be the assistant editor of our blog till the end of this year, I'm calling for more participation from all of you, especially from those who have not yet made your voice heard.

According to Marie, it's quite amazing that we got over 1000 hits to this blog already.  That means there is a tremendous interest out there.  How about let us hear from more of you, other than those familiar faces?   Poste your messages, send your articles or photos.  Yes, photos are great.  I will post them for you if you are not sure what to do. 





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